
No, these people are pretty fucking dumb.

I truly and justifiably hate anti-Vaxxers more than any other people on earth.

2013: stop fucking talking about chemtrails, they’re not real

I believe the people showing up to a 711 only wearing a shirt and shoes but no pants should have been an early warning of where the world was headed.

Now kids just get mass produced plastic platters with planned obsolescence that boomers would like you to think are nicer than the ones they ever had.

It still happens sometimes. Remember Rachel Dolezal?

Better known as the asshole who posted bail for a teenaged terrorist murderer.”

Shit, I’d forgotten about that already.  Fuck him even more, then.

Blowdarts.  I’m telling ya.  It’s time.

I’ve seen it said that the way to immediately know which is which is to ask them who won the 2020 Presidential election.

It is well documented that boomers are the most entitled narcissistic generation. Projection is their tool of choice to make their millennial children feel bad for not having a college degree, a 4 bedroom home and 3 cars by the time they’re 21 because they like avocados more than steak.

fine, do away with vaccination requirement — just charge two thousand dollars per ticket and offer a 90-95% discount if you provide proof of vaxx

“If they think I’m at fault, why would they refund any of the fee?” Dungan asked the LA Times. That’s a question I don’t think the company will ever be willing to answer.”

I’m kind of amazed that people don’t go to anti-vax protests and stick people with pins then laugh and say “Boom! Vaccinated!”

It’s fascinating that the “kids have it too easy” crowd completely melts down at the mildest inconvenience.

described the concert’s entry requirements as “segregation.”

How much do you want to bet that the “Medical Freedom” crowd are also the same ones showing up to harass women walking into abortion clinics?

Jesus Christ. Do whatever the fuck you want idiot, anti vaxxers - but it’s not about your bodily autonomy or “segregation” - it’s about public health. Blithering idiots.

Just wait ‘till these jackasses find out about this...

You are hitting on all cylinders this week. First, “Performative outrage.” And now, “Force multiplier for stupidity.”

The internet is a force multiplier for this kind of stupidity. The realization that there are other people just as stupid is empowering to them.