
Intentional disrespect is psychological power play. It is the go to on the right with people whom they disagree. It’s why they are offended by people choosing their own pronouns and the instance on dead naming. It’s why they continually refer to the Democrat Party rather than the Democratic Party

Defense of others usually works like this, if the person you are defending could use deadly force, then you can use deadly force on their behalf.  If the girl in pink would have been justified in shooting Ms. Bryant, the law will see anyone else shooting Ms. Bryant on her behalf as justified.

Questions about who called the police there and whether the girl in pink and others were the original instigators before this officer ever arrived are not relevant to the question of whether the police officer acted appropriately while personally witnessing an assault with a deadly weapon in progress.”

The reality of the situation is that anyone, not just a police officer, is allowed to use deadly force to stop an assault with deadly force or likely to cause great bodily harm.

Self defense is for trial to make your otherwise illegal conduct legal. It doesn’t make someone else’s legal conduct illegal.

But isn’t manslaughter the charge for accidental killings?”

Third Degree Murder, known as ‘depraved heart’ murder, doesn’t apply. Depraved Heart murder requires that you intend to illegally assault.

She probably didn’t have her safety on while holstered. By all reports she followed the protocols for deploying a Taser which is to shout “TASER! TASER! TASER! TASER” point and fire. And her immediate reaction after firing a single shot was “OH SHIT I SHOT HIM”.

I again implore the makers of tasers to remove the handgrip. There is not enough recoil to require it nor range to make a precision two-handed aim.

You could seal the proceeding, like they do with juvenile/family court cases. Where the proceedings themselves are private.

Unfortunately this is basic due process. People have the right to defend themselves before facing legal consequences. Basic due process is that someone accused of wrong doing gets to know when, where, and who of the accusation.

Who knew that George W. Bush speechwriter David Frum would provide the most succinct and clear description of the modern Republican Party.

But that misstates Lincoln. Lincoln often said shit because he knew he was moving the country in another direction and he was going to play the “see! I had to do it!” game.

Jezebel started as Gawker spawn.  There is no “gossip moral high ground” here.

Yep, the thesis: Perez Hilton or Gawker couldn’t survive today so we should be sad.  Is strange...

300 was terrible. I never understood why anyone liked it.

Frank, at his heaviest, was also not so subtly backed by the mob.

The defense can waive their speedy trial right. In my experience, as a public defender, generally the defense wants to delay and the prosecution wants to go to trial immediately.

Memory going away is beneficial to the prosecution. The prosecution needs 12 people willing to convict. At this moment between 15 and 50% of the perspective jury pool will not vote to convict under any circumstances.

Any discussion that doesn’t take into account the simple reality that the median congressional district is approximately R+5 isn’t really serious. Saying that AOC wins in her D +35 district is completely worthless.