
That river on fire is perfectly safe!

NPR was reminding listeners that it’s the significance of legislation that matters and he has done very little. They closed with a law renaming a courthouse. I’m going to guess that someone over there has been paying attention to the honorable Kara Brown.

I came home from the theatre & pre-ordered it, with extras, I. Need. It. Now.

It will probably pass, but please, for the love of god, if you have a Senator in a red state call them. Every damn day. You don’t even need to give a reason why, just ask they don’t vote for it. 202-224-3121 Or you know, google.

We have business with tech bros tonight.

I would have too, but then I heard he cut down a bunch of old growth trees which, really don’t do that.

Or Gatsby.

My better half has started quoting Matthew 5-7 (the Sermon on the Mount) to the more religious ones on his page, which is undoubtedly hopeless but sort of amusing.

My better half has started quoting Matthew 5-7 (the Sermon on the Mount) to the more religious ones on his page, which is undoubtedly hopeless but sort of amusing.

Not particularly, but thanks anyway. Though if we can trade McCain I’ll consider it.

Spend anytime working in NV politics and the Harry Reid stories are amazing. Dude had his car blown up by the mob once.

Love them or hate them Harry Reid and I would argue Rahm Emmanuel are perfectly capable and maybe even delight(ed) in taking the gloves off.

Ah yes, I went to middle & high school around those parts. Moved to desert & never looked back. Also see, no water=no bugs.

A decent I love you hug with 2 arms. But he may just be relieved I didn’t insist. (He’s 11)

I air dry everything weather permitting, makes my husband crazy. However, I have reasons, I live in a hot arid climate and it’s fast to dry outside, often faster than the dryer. And our electric utility is famously corrupt. Under investigation corrupt and I hate giving those people money.

Mine would not let me walk him into climbing camp after I went in the first day to let his instructor know about his asthma & kissed his head on the way out. I get a hug in the car though so I guess that’s something.

In times like this I reflect on why we advocate, donate, and volunteer. I always come back to Sisyphus, his job is to push that boulder up the hill, again and again. Camus makes the argument that we must consider Sisyphus as happy. It’s his duty to soldier on and keep pushing that rock up the hill.

If they don’t throw all the money and creative freedom at Jenkins I’m going to be so damn mad.

Someone similarly in the greys was told by Gloria herself that it was from an Irish cab driver. Agreed on Flo Kennedy, total badass.

That’s awesome and I am super envious.