Hey yes, it was me! Thank you for posting it here as well, I was about to! Man, these are crazy times.
Hey yes, it was me! Thank you for posting it here as well, I was about to! Man, these are crazy times.
We need something catchy instead of #thoughtsandprayers, like votes and calls. Don’t send a prayer, send a letter to your congressman, and threatened to never ever vote for them again unless they pass some comprehensive gun reform. Don’t go to church, take your church to the polls, and then have them register voters,…
Yeah, most AZ does not seem too keen on him, but it would make Sinema’s position much better. It likely won’t happen, but she still seems to be polling pretty well against all the possible contenders on the GOP side.
I once worked for a week canvasing for the DNC. That was not pleasant, but I suspect that actually just registering people to vote door to door or campaigning for a specific candidate, and not asking for money, might be more enjoyable.
I’m in DC, so I really have to pick one thing to do. I can only afford to fly out…
I’ve made those! Can confirm; they’re delicious. Deb Perelman has never steered me wrong.
OOOOOO that looks lovely! Endive leaves with ____ are one of my go-to finger foods! Tiny lemon-pepper shrimp, cilantro, goat cheese! Little strips of steak, pickled red onions, drizzle of lime greek yogurt! ANYTHING.
“...where the women are strong, mainly from fighting off unwanted sexual advances.”
You’re both women, though, and everyone knows that women only count as valid sources when they speak in groups of at least five. If the women are unchaste, then they must speak in groups of ten or more for their accounts to be considered seriously.
Oh god yes! Me too! Make it happen!
Star this so it goes to the top pls. Do not scroll down; some asshat posted pictures of decapitated heads and mutilated corpses and some other asshat raised it out of the grays.
Fuck the boy scouts.
See all my above responses for acne products on a budget - but also, Murad in particular has a great starter kit that a lot of my teen clients use with great success - the 30 day kit will be enough to see if it helps at all or if he reacts to it (or if he’ll actually stick to the routine), and it gives him a pretty…
I’m a huuuuuge Budget Bytes fan! Even have the cookbook.
ALSO! This is your open thread for beauty questions and recommendations, from your friendly Sephora skincare specialist! Please feel free to ask, and if I know the answer, I’ll try to respond.
She does. I just ran to the Root before my head exploded. Thank Meghan.
There’s a probably-going-to-be-upscale hotel going up across the street from my office. I fully expect that we’re going to be dealing with this once it opens in a few months. I’m thinking we will be going the insult route: make up some big Olympics-style score cards in posterboard and give very low scores.
I mean part of this is just Lujan and other party leaders pretty much repeating party guidelines, because Blue Dog Dems were largely pro-life and crucial to Dem majorities pre-2010. But the way that the issue has been talked about in the past few months has been pretty tone deaf and will certainly turn off…
Yea, I don’t exactly thing this is some huge, untapped demographic. There are already plenty of Tim Kaine-types, who don’t agree with abortion for whatever reason but think it is a woman’s choice to make. They are more than welcome in the Democratic party and I’ve never heard anyone say otherwise. People who think…