
So are lobster & crabs, which are delicious.

I think the tap water in Flynt is inherently racist so covered!

My new favorite Senator.

Our big girl mutt isn’t so much afraid of things, but she freaks out at reflections of light, and laser pointers. She’s like a 90lb cat when it comes to light on walls. Annoying, but endearing.

I wonder if it varies by community? Ours is a pretty small community in a relatively rural area, but at the same time it is also the big fundraiser for the LGBTQ+ community group that we all want to support. We’re pretty good at not being assholes and making things about us though, and the queer folks in town command

“if immigration agents actually get off on these horrific headline”

I sometimes wonder if Dems should consider running Independents in such cases.

Practically perfect in every way.

But really, Moonstruck is excellent and deserves regular viewings.

Bless you for doing what is likely a very difficult job. I’m sure you mean the world to those kids.

Thank you for all that you do!

Yup, it totally hits that sweet spot.

It was so damn good. The minute the Amazons started kicking ass I got teary. It was all I could do not to jump out of my seat & cheer at the end, and really every time Diana kicked everyone’s ass.

I was thinking Riker for press, because he’s so damn charming, but it makes me nervous.

As a start... Picard is President (obvs), I’d put Deanna at State, let’s give Data National Security. Geordi maybe for Chief of Staff.

I only need one, if you could replace the WH cabinet with characters from Star Trek Next Gen who goes where?

I’ll also be taking 2 boys, if only because they’ve been hearing me complain FOREVER that we never get big female fronted super hero movies.

I teared up watching the trailer. I am going to be a mess and I cannot wait.

I wasn’t planning on seeing this because I really couldn’t take it if DC screwed up Wonder Woman, but after the reviews started rolling out I. Am. So. Damn. Excited.