
I picked it up at the local used bookstore the other day thinking I haven’t read this since I was a kid and I remember loving it. It is a legit good book.

Not sure. Turned out someone (maybe his teachers, they are amazing and deserve way more credit than they get) turned it into a board game. When I found him the PC game he was thrilled, and has not yet made it through.

Sniff, that was lovely. My husband is going to be stuck listening to a lot of blues tonight.

Off topic, but my youngest came home from school the other day all excited to tell me about this cool new game he discovered called Oregon Trail. And that I wouldn’t believe what happened to him. When I said you died of dysentery he was amazed. Mom powers are real folks.

“I feel like we’re the victims really… He came across as credible because he talked about the Trump Organization.”

Awww! I will snuggle Foxy, if that is ok with him of course!

Your wife sounds like a smart lady. In a moment of stupidity I asked my husband if kiddo #2, a reader who loves animals, would like to read Where the Red Fern goes. He put me straight very quickly.

Hugs, so sorry for your loss.

One of mine even has a knack for sensing who is the most stressed out and laying quietly at their feet. My other (90lb) one causes quite the kerfluffle when she gets excited though.

A dog’s dog is the perfect description!

Cattle/sheep dogs in general are my favorite breeds, sweet smart dogs that love to please.

Dear Senator Flake, on the off chance someone on your staff reads Jez I would like you to know that you vote for this and I will spend every waking minute making sure you lose in 2018. I’m not even particularly fond of Kyrsten Sinema, but I will give her everything I have should she run against you.

Dear Senator Flake, on the off chance someone on your staff reads Jez I would like you to know that you vote for this and I will spend every waking minute making sure you lose in 2018. I’m not even particularly fond of Kyrsten Sinema, but I will give her everything I have should she run against you.

Heelers are the best, we had one growing up and she was the smartest dog I’ve ever seen. (I am clearly 100% objective about this)

Pouting after her Dad left town :)

My dogs LOVE going to the office, they aren’t cooped up in a cubicle though and everyone who comes in pets them. We also walk the kids to school everyday and I think they’re a little sad they can’t go to school with them. I’m sure in their minds it must be even better than the office, kids and even better kids with

Sheryl Crow and I have kids the same age is my takeaway from this.

The article is really lovely too.

Totally, their oldest kid is the new personal aid to the president.