
That’s it, I know what the world needs. A WW 2.0 where Charlie is President and Zoey his wife, and CJ comes back every now and then to advise on dire situations.

That was my first thought too, this is a bunch of people dying for a smoke.

If you haven’t seen this, you must, you really must, she uses her shoe as a phone. She is an utter delight in this dark dark world.

All my Children, if Erica Kane isn’t engineering world domination I’m not interested.

Good point, also I need to tune up my bike....

“will strip certain benefits from well off pensioners to fund social care “ please please please come talk to our Congress and explain why this is good social policy.  

Fill up your gas tanks now folks.

Exactly, if she positions herself as a virulent partisan it plays badly in the media and looks like another partisan battle. By positioning herself above the fray we have a shot for a genuine inquiry. And you know that there’s some scary shit that will come out.

This right here is why I’m not overly fond of outsider candidates.

Me too, but Dems running against him? That ones a nonstarter.

Dear Senator McCain,

With a dose of you have a duty to perform.

“I have said to you before that, in times of turbulence, the American people should see the FBI as a rock of competence, honesty, and independence. What makes leaving the FBI hard is the nature and quality of its people, who together make it that rock for America.

Yeah, pretty much.

I love EMILY’s List, if only because they recently had our Mayor on a panel at their big annual event. And our Mayor is freaking awesome.

“we are humans. That’s the only relevant issue.”

I cannot with these people and their sympathizers any longer. When you place laws limiting the medical decisions that I can make, medical decisions that have a long and lasting effect on every area of my life you limit my freedom and I am no longer an equal citizen in the eyes of the law. FULL STOP.

Good for you! Women mentoring and putting forward other women works, I’ve seen it firsthand.

I’m coming around to think that this is a much larger issue than most people realize and subsequently it gets little attention. I can’t tell you how often the age of a woman’s children come up when we talk candidate recruitment (as in are her kids too young for her to be able to be an effective candidate) whereas a

Take care of yourself!