
He’s pointing out that it would also apply to Cliven Bundy like situations, the folks pushing this are big supporters of them.  

This is being pushed by Sylvia Allen, who not only is a complete moron, she is also totally corrupt. The only thing she respects are her GOP overlords. Seriously, I once saw her tell a crowd that teachers should be willing to work for free.

Bing bing bing, that is exactly what this is about. (Though thank god Arpaio is gone.)

I bet you’re right and GRRRRR. As the news broke yesterday that legal aid was being defunded I remarked to the husband that “I hope all those damn Jill Stein voters are happy now”. Congratulations, poor people are going to get screwed way worse and way harder than you ever expected.  

You bring up a good point in that deciding who and when to marry was for a very long time not a decision a (straight) woman was permitted to make, and is breathtakingly recent for queer women. In that sense a freely chosen marriage can in itself be considered a feminist victory even if the institution itself has

I’ll sit next to you. I find it overdone, twee, busy, lacking elegance, and annoying. Gucci may be fighting Dior for most disappointing fashion house IMHO.

Reagan’s trickle down economics didn’t work so hot either...

Nerve is one word for it :)

Get out there, show up, call your representatives, listen, learn, and when/if you mess up apologize and learn from it. Thanks for getting started!

We eloped so I spent almost nothing. I spent the last year reminding everyone that HRC fought for single payer health care 15 goddamn years ago and it was not a wonderful new idea from Bernie Sanders. Does that count?

Yes, to everything you just said.

I’m in a good mood and this interview pissed me off. I got married for things like health insurance and inheritance purposes, should I have forgone health insurance on the matter of principle?

No corruption to see here folks!

You know what state has the largest increase in Latino voter registration? Arizona, because we’ve been fighting this shit for a good long time now.

Here in AZ the strategy has always been cut as much money and privatize as much of the public K-12/community college/university system as possible and divert that money into for-profit-prisons.

You do have the best food in the state, and some excellent public schools. And I have a deep love of Eegees, it’s going to snow here this weekend so Tucson a’hoy!

I don’t mind it so much, there have been some films that I wouldn’t have seen in the theaters if not for them that I’m really glad we saw- Maleficent and Cinderella come to mind, I just want the more challenging films too. I love the movie theater though (and popcorn, and red vines).

Dev Patel did grow up very very nicely, I would not be opposed to 2 hours of his lovely face.