
I’ll work on them :)

Flagstaffian here, if Tucson defects I humbly ask that they take us with them.

I haven’t been to the movies without my sons in years (hubby hates the movie theater, kids love it and so they get the bulk of the movie going dollars). I am absolutely missing out and really want to see Moonlight. I almost had them talked into Hidden Figures last weekend and then they realized Lego Batman was out,

The plan is to privatize the canyon and then sell it off to mining companies and a resort conglomerate that wants to build a tram to the bottom and hotels on the rim. Can’t have them mucking up the scenery. (No I am not kidding.)

Honestly that sounds like my ideal lip product. Off to into the gloss....

My state representative would be a-ok with that.

I used this recipe, and dusted them with purple sugar (because why the heck not). They came out beautifully. Bad for waistline, good for the soul.

My husband says the same thing. Though I made donuts from scratch yesterday/this morning and bacon jam last night, he’s suffering through it.

For whatever it’s worth I find that women within the GOP (up until recent events) who are willing to use their powers for good can be very, extremely, unbelievably helpful. A well deployed lady GOP lobbyist can get shit done, and we can’t do things like renew VAWA without them.  

As the mom of a dyslexic kiddo, thank your dad for me.

My kid is dyslexic. It can be brutal. Thankfully his special ed teachers, his incredibly dedicated classroom teachers, aids, and a school psychologist made sure that a very bright 8 year old who was reading well below grade level and could not write his name got the help he needed so that now, three years later he is

Coming here to say the same thing. Isn’t that a HIPPA violation? That’s godawful.

I don’t know what it means, but internet hugs and best wishes from a stranger, god speed you badass.

True, but most of us need the income. And Bey’s work involves highly athletic performance in leotards and heels. Big heels, pregnant with twins, under hot lights. Sometimes there’s stomping around through fire involved. That’s pretty damn impressive when no one would raise a question if she were all I’m going to stay

I posted this upthread, but here you go, calls for everyone!

My pleasure! Happy calling! (And really if there was ever a reason to do it keeping the Nazi away from the nuclear codes is probably about as dire as it can get!)

Do it! If only because it gets easier every time. Really, after 5-6 calls it’s no big deal. It’s maybe most helpful to take place in national surveys like this one:

That was really well done, thanks for sharing!