
Kraken or GTFO.

And this just furthers my understanding that online reviews are useless crap...

I think that one of the most important factors in a happy marriage is being able to come to terms with the fact that your happy marriage is not always going to be happy. Shit happens, life is tough, living with someone forever is not an easy thing to do. To attempt to do it harmoniously forever is impossible. Keep

20 years old here, and YES! I got called a slut in high school for "flirting with everyone I talked to, even girls."

I don't have a husband, but whenever women have flirted, even outrageously, with my SOs, I have completely ignored them. Just because she's making an utter ass of herself, doesn't mean I will. Why would anyone bow so low or pay that desperate game on that level? I can't imagine doing it—I'd feel worse.

This. I've had people accuse me of flirting with guys that I have had zero interest in. None. There was no subconscious flirting on my part, nor did I sense that the dude was flirting back. You can have a normal, genial conversation with someone of the opposite sex and some percentage of people will automatically call

My wife says this all the time. The problem with this logic is I shouldn't instantly think a woman is a cunt for trying to talk to me and get my attention. I should think she's a cunt if I clearly state I'm not interested at all, and she ignores everything I say to pursue her own agenda. Hence why I don't understand

And I love Anna Merlan tries to paint anyone who'd disagree with this ridiculous, bullshit idea as "men's rights activists or fans of the penal system."

I am so glad I'll be long dead by then.

I mean. You know what to do :)

I'm making that balogna-ranch cake from Pinkham's last post. I'm also getting divorced.

My guy used to be skinnier and he had long hair (which was one of the major things that I was attracted to). Fast forward three years, the man is fluffy and he has short hair and I will honestly tell you that I was surprised at how much I did not care. And actually, it wasn't even that I didn't care, it's that I find

Now playing

It seems appropriate to bring this back:

Everyone knows about surge pricing though, so nobody should be surprised. I also work like three jobs and "rely" on uber to get home if I am too far away to walk/bike, and I am just really unsympathetic to this story. In Austin, during ACL surge prices, I got held at work past the time buses stopped (I had planned on

My Italian family's gushy grabbiness is one of the reasons WHY I don't like gratuitous touching today. "As soon as I'm a grownup I won't have to put up with this shit anymore," I would mutter to myself, and as soon as I became a grownup I kept that promise. Being touched when you don't want to be touched doesn't do a

I always ask a dog's owner if I can pet their dog, and then "ask" the dog by offering the back of my hand. So, if I would literally ask a dog, why shouldn't I ask a kid? "May I have a hug?"

Her daughter isn't avoiding touch. Her daughter is touching on her terms. That sounds healthy to me.

I make a soup at least twice a week, sometimes more. It's sort of like "leftover" soup. I look in the fridge, whatever is leftover or hasn't been used yet I make a soup out of. I sort of wing the recipe. I learned that from my mother, who made magical soups. They are always a huge hit in my house.