
It’s okay, you don’t have to. It might be true, it might not be, but why does this story have to meet a standard of truth? It’s just a childhood story.

An even more important question for the group: Is the guy in that photo wearing benetint on his lips? He totally is, right?

I felt the same way on mine. While we did have sex a once or twice, when you’ve got coral reefs to explore, rain forests to traverse and cultures to experience who wants sex (which you can do anytime anywhere).

Besides we’ve been having sex for like 7 years before we got married, so it’s not like it was a new

Planned on copious amounts of sexytime, got norovirus right after our plane landed. That pretty much sums it up.

We did two weeks in 4 cities in Europe (London, Paris, Cork, Dublin) and were up early and asleep early. It was non-stop adventure and honestly, we were exhausted. Same as other commenters, we can do it whenever we want, so I don’t feel too awful about not doing it then.

We didn’t. Not once.

The people insisting “dipped” is at all self-explanatory and the rest of us are morons for not knowing this bizarro regionalism are making me want to set something on fire.

Gender pronoun issues aside

True. "Twat" is a soft insult in the UK, and nobody is thinking of vaginas when they say it. If you hear someone called a "twat", you're hearing "idiot", or "wanker", or a combination of the two (unlike in the US, where the word is never divorced from its specific root meaning).

I agree with all of that except with the assumption that teens are very familiar with Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

It's 'Oh my god! You're a ski-racer' or 'You help the animals.'" She added, "You know, I own the biggest vegan company in the world."

I'm going to make my daughters do "future feminists" photo shoots and have them burning bras and holding up pro-choice signs. My mother in law is going to love that!!

Hey, now, some of us just like Diet Coke.

I choose to think it's a pleasant phenomenon, caused by people trying to identify with and understand others, which the world could use a lot more of.

No, Espresso is a different form of coffee but it's still coffee. It's how it's brewed.

Your answer is exactly the problem I'm having. I asked an honest, sincere question. Your reaction was to insult me, while giving a thoughtful response. However, another person had a completely different answer and encouraged the question and gave an equally thoughtful response. Two different people, two highly

...and this is the reason why men should never complain to women, about other women.