If they bothered to swap in a less ridiculous and more modern transmission and kept the AC working, I’d be in on this price. It isn’t perfect, but it’s very cool. Pair those two issues with the dubious sourcing of the SBC swap and it’s a ND for me.
If they bothered to swap in a less ridiculous and more modern transmission and kept the AC working, I’d be in on this price. It isn’t perfect, but it’s very cool. Pair those two issues with the dubious sourcing of the SBC swap and it’s a ND for me.
If done right (and completely), a good SBC engine is the way to go. More power, economy, reliability, maintainability. Should have included a swap to a more modern transmission.
Someone should have added this to the list of “Red flags in car ads” from the other day - “chevy 350 engine!” or “swapped with SBC!”
This seems like the Silicon Valley “Revenue?! NO. No revenue!!” thing. If Tesla wanted to make money selling cars in India makes sense, but instead it’s whole value and brand is tied up in potential.
“Companies are using invasive technology to violate the rights of our citizens in unthinkable ways,” Paxton said in a statement. “Our investigation revealed that General Motors has engaged in egregious business practices that violated Texans’ privacy
Depreciation: then go buy a slightly used EV that has already been hit with the depreciation hammer. That’s what I did and with the $4k tax credit it was a fantastic deal!
Car Dealerships around military bases are the worst. Kids with signing bonus are walking targets for these scumbags. The number of BH/PH lots around Ft. Meade filled with E-class, 5 Series and way too many Range Rovers waiting for their 3rd owner tells me they aren’t beating into the recruits about actually listening…
Yup. “Just needs” is your introduction to endless problems. A filthy lie indeed. I’ll buy a clapped out project car if everyone on both sides of the sale knows that’s what is for sale. But I won’t buy a car pitched as a working car when it “just needs” anything. It is a sure sign that the owner is in the process of…
“Just needs”
Came here to say and/or reinforce this.
It is a lie.
A filthy lie.
I would be more excited about a picture of a rusted roller than a pristine car that ‘just needs’ plug #6 replaced (or any electrical part). One is honest and the other is not.
Facebook marketplace is proof that hope springs eternal.
The Board will never do anything to remove Elon. He has padded it with the biggest sycophants he can find. They basically think of him as the second coming.
The board can fire him. The shareholders can vote to remove him from the board.
This is mine. “oh sure it has 17 warning lights when you try to start it, it just needs a cabin air filter which I don’t have time to install, but I will include”
“Just needs.” There’s no such thing as just needs. If it just needs a $300 freon charge do it and ask for $500 more. But you know it’s not that. It needs a $1,500 in compressor/clutch/lines work. If it just needs an 02 sensor to pass inspection, buy the $50 thing and put it in. But you know it’s not that. It needs…
A photo of the car that is not of the actual car.
“A/C needs a re-charge” = “Add another $1000 to replace the A/C compressor, lines, condenser and everything else related to the system.”
Oh, god, yeah. Half the time the biggest red flag is not the car’s condition. It is the seller is an arsehole. No car is enough of a unicorn to make dealing with some people worthwhile.
“no lowballers, I know what I have”
“In great condition, just needs. . . *lists a dozen weekend projects* . . . parts are in the trunk, easy fix, just haven’t had time to install them.”
Ran when parked.
Oh wow that’s actually a fair price in this market.....