
Yeah, one owner, 22 years says well-loved. But the odd choices of where to put money into the car...something doesn’t add up.

How can a company senior officer make open threats against the company and still hold their job??

It can go from 10 to 80 percent charge in 18 minutes with 240-kW fast-charging

Did he think he was smart when completely ignoring the consequences of the two actions? If someone slows at a stop sign and rolls through when there’s no other traffic, there is zero difference made to anyone. If someone doesn’t stop bludgeoning you, they can kill you.

Are we coming up with arbitrary reasons to create a divide amongst people now? Seriously?

If you have strong opinions on this either way you need to take a step back & look at the world around us, now ask yourself - is it worth it to die on this hill of all hills?

Now on to the topic - both have a time and a place - if

The situation sucks all around. Everyone bringing on their carry-ons sucks because there isn’t enough room and having bags down by your feet is the worst. Boarding and de-boarding takes significantly longer, and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve had some idiot smash me with their carry on.

Work Travel: Carry-on only

So I have to get one from Temu ?

Worked on my fair share of these in my tire shop days. The real sketchiness was once these had 100 or so thousand miles on them.

Back then, nobody could stop short. I found that the 70 Corvette had 147 ft stopping distance from the same test (on the narrower tires that came with the base model).  I expect a LOT of cars back then had similar braking distances.  The fact the car could stop and not idle off with faded brakes was considered a win.

I want a girl with a short skirt

She’s changing her name from Kitty to Karen
She’s mowing down pedestrians with a white Chrysler Lebaron

I am old enough to remember these new, I just laugh and NOT look back on early 80s cars fondly.

300 is probably more than ample for 99% of trips, especially parents moving kids around to games and stuff.

Only manufacturer issued adapters will allow proper charging abilities

I have an irrational hatred (or maybe rational dislike/distrust) of high-dollar asking prices with, “Oh, it needs a bunch of little maintenance things that TOTALLY won’t be a problem, but I couldn’t be bothered.”  Do the service, especially on a car that’s mostly been left to rot in a garage.

$88K is a good price for a “no stories” manual, but not this car.

Sorry, don’t think this is a particularly iconic Ferrari, not old enough to be classic, but old enough to be not particularly fast vs. newer, less exotic competition. Also kinda dumpy looking.

That just shows a complete lack of care on behalf of the owner that you wonder about what else is lurking underneath. Also, if that is such an easy fix, why haven’t they done it? I can understand not doing the service, although that should be reflected in the price, but a simple clearing a code? The only reason not to