
I really enjoyed the first season as it was the first time we got to see extended interviews from all of the drivers and many of the key non-diver team members. The behind the scenes aspect was cool, even if a bit manipulated.  But my interest in DTS has been going down as well. I think the article nails it - it’s

The sensors can significantly delay repairs. We are still waiting on a blind spot sensor for our Subaru- 2 months after the shop ordered it. That said there’s no ETA and it could be months more before they actually get the part. 

Surprisingly, there aren’t too many great aftermarket options yet for these. Maybe someone will knock this one off. 

I explicitly said that most wash out before they get to year 7. But you don’t need to be a partner to make $500k- a 7th year is an associate at most firms (except for the notable exception Kirkland where they give you a throwaway partner title that isn’t real partnership) . Partners are all over the board, but make at

If they wanted to do right by those guys, they should really just make the scholarship non-concurrent with the playing. Top college football players are professional athletes that are forced to pretend like they are studying something on the side. If they don’t make it big in the NFL, they should have the option to

At large corporate law firms (around 500+ attorneys) , “market” salary is $235k in year one. You hit $500k in year 7, but fewer than half of new associates make it that long. So realistically you are 32 by the time that salary could happen (about 10 years past the football players). There may be a very few who win the

Take home on $500k is more like $300k, and a lot of these guys have a lot of expectations on that salary - pay off debts for family, etc. They are also targets of people pushing dodgy investments (including family businesses).

There was that incident a few years ago of a lane landing super nose up and a poor woman being killed by being ejected out the back. 

Just taking the wheels on and off doesn’t require anything THAT special if you don’t need to do it in seconds.

My father in law used to drive Semi trucks on the Alaska highway in the 1970s. With the engines, they could just leave them idling overnight when it got really cold, but the differentials could be a big problem. You could use a propane torch to warm then so you could get going in the morning, but the differential oil

Yes. There are too many dealers sitting on used electric cars that haven’t woken up and smelled the coffee that the tax credit is back for most new EV purchases. Perhaps a few buyers as well.

It’s pretty simple. They needed the bill to come in at a certain price, and the cap (plus income caps) prevented the Congressional Budget Office from estimating the price tag as higher than the corporate tax increases passed to pay for it. A side impact is the optics of giving out tax breaks to wealthy people buying

Maybe some boundaries are in order? She shouldn’t be traipsing through your bedroom.

Problem is you need a mega battery pack to match Lucid’s charging rate. We are always from being able to put a battery pack like that in an inexpensive car like a Leaf. 

You would need to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger in competition form for this to be true. He was 6’2/230lbs when competing which put his BMI at 29.5 (a few pounds from obese). The percentage people with that level of muscle mass and that level of body fat is like .001% of the population.

Online “high yield” savings account. Ally, Marcus are two of the big ones. 

Student loan debt may be worth taking, but once you have it it’s hardly “good debt” to have around. Unlike ordinary consumer debt, it can’t be discharged in bankruptcy (absent unusual circumstances), which means you could be paying it for the rest of your life if you start missing payments and can’t get the principal

Stocks are a long haul investment. Don’t look at year to year changes, but decades of change. The short term ups and downs will drive you nuts.

Cold weather impacts are negligible for heat pump equipped cars.

They weren’t entirely wrong though. The digital camera was never going to replace their film revenues, and the stand-alone digital camera is pretty much extinct outside of the prosumer and professional photographer market.