Yes indeed. Malapropisms FTL.
Yes indeed. Malapropisms FTL.
They are moving to larger castings, which actually should help the body panel alignments and cut costs to boot.
It’s basically the IKEA model. Sell cheap/minimalistic as sheik/modern.
There may be a few fools out there who aren’t shopping around and still think it’s 2021. I’m guessing those will diminish steadily as 2023 marches on and those dealers will have to face up to reality.
Not sure about your lender, but I’ve had no problem pre-paying on my mortgage. However, I’ve stopped paying extra because my savings account literally pays a higher rate than my mortgage costs.
Issuing a rights plan is akin to carrying the poison pill in your pocket. It’s not taking a poison pill. You don’t say the spy swallowed a poison pill because they carried one around. In the case of a corporate acquisition, the acquirer eats the target, so the spy analogy isn’t exactly perfect unless the spy gets…
I’ve literally written rights plans for companies. I’ve never heard anyone referring to the potential target as swallowing a poison pill because it issued a rights plan. It’s the potential acquirer who would have to be willing to swallow the pill to acquire the company.
Uh, no. The acquirer swallows a poison pill prepared by the target, not the other way around. The “poison” is the dilution of the acquirer’s shares which doesn’t hurt the target.
1st gear: Carvana didn’t “swallow” the poison pill, it would be a potential acquirer that would swallow it.
The way these things work, you are likely SOL with a dead battery even if there is gas in it.
I wonder if the F35 will be the last generation of traditional piloted fighter jets. Drone swarm command and control centers may be more relevant in 50 years.
Cold doesn’t explain it. You still end up with reduced range in the cold and you are still range limited despite having to carry around an ICE and gasoline. A normal plug in hybrid with 30-40 mile EV range makes way more sense.
I truly don’t understand the point of adding an ICE to motor if the car can’t drive indefinitely on that motor. You are adding all the cost and complexity of an ICE to get you to exactly where you’d be with just a few more batteries.
Remember when the PT Cruiser got classified as a “light truck” for CAFE despite being a tiny compact hatchback?
Everything that’s not a Ferrari 250 GTO?
Mostly, the country just hates poor people regardless of their color. Poor immigrants are “illegal” because they are poor and don’t have access to legal immigration processes. We’d rather build walls than give them a legal process and a chance of working their way out of poverty.
That was the Duterte “solution” in the Philippines. Didn’t work there either.
Watching Narcos Mexico initially made me think the writers were taking a bit too much creative license to be believable. And then you find out stuff like this actually happens.
Why do people keep assuming that acceleration limits range? Electric motors aren’t like gas motors. You don’t lose economy from going for a bigger motor. There’s very little cost to overpowering an electric car compared to a gas car, which is why automakers are making EVs powerful.
True, they aren’t as rare/valuable. But real 1960s GT350s are still 6 figure cars. I don’t see that changing anytime soon. They are millionaire’s cars rather than billionaire’s cars, but they still get bought up by investors.