Golf R but no golfer

Nascar has never been a huge fan of Live Streaming.

Exactly right.  Experience is knowing when you are really in trouble and how to stay calm and sort it out.

They know what they’re doing. That’s why they recognized they were actually stuck and not just bogged down. That’s why they activated their emergency beacon early so they could be located and resupplied before a dire emergency.

Based on their build and their interview, these people aren’t amateurs. They know what they are doing. They just got caught out by the wet season. It happens. It seems to rain every. single. time I try and do ultra remote travel. I feel their pain.

Agreed. I’ll file this headline away though for the next time a piece is published here sympathetic to protestors marching/blocking busy freeways in service of whatever cause is in vogue.

In the Netherlands when an accident happens between a car and cyclist/pedestrians, the cyclist/pedestrian is by default right. The (car)driver has to proof that he is not to blame. Besides the fact that all drivers in NL were cyclists once (very little schoolbuses or car-lines at elementary) this helps to protect the

This article read as if the Sunrise Movement wrote it.

Was there another video that wasn’t linked with the mentioned “lurched forward”? Letting the car creep forward instead of just waiting for the guys that were clearing them away to finish doing so wasn’t a great move, but it also wasn’t some Charlottesville incident in the making.

He’s a comedian.  Get over it snowflakes.

Back in the day, honesty and humility weren’t seen as negative traits or traits only for suckers.

I still see Rabbits driving around from time to time (possible bias, my neighbor has one). What I haven’t seen in forever is a 70's Corolla.

I would like to point out that #3 is likely still running and is the only vehicle that you can buy today with the current namebadge.,

He meant to roll coal. If his stupidity resulted in someone getting seriously hurt, he needs to pay the price. His parents obviously put the idea in his head, and allowed him to drive a huge truck. While kids are not known for making good choices to begin with, this goes beyond “I didn’t mean to”. For example, a bank

Didn’t mean to hit them and run them over, definitely meant to harm them physically and emotionally. Also definitely meant to do it with an illegally modified vehicle. Hopefully it’s a stern lesson.

Not only this, but what about in cold climates? We know that battery capacity becomes dramatically reduced, up to 50% in some vehicles depending on the cold. For me who lives in Northern Alberta, where in the winter it is routinely -30C, I can’t even being to think about switching to an EV if the range at optimal

Having evacuated a crashed plane once (folded up gear on landing in Amsterdam years ago), I now keep my wallet, phone and passport or other ID with me in the seat until we’re off the ground, and get them out again before we land. Fuck the luggage. If I can get my body off the plane with my phone, wallet and ID, that’s

For anyone wondering: Yes, I listened to Dragula on repeat for the duration of researching and writing this

If you’re old enough/judged responsible enough to drive a vehicle on public roads, you’re old enough/responsible enough to face adult charges for vehicular crimes.

I don’t understand that outrage of wanting to paint Air Force One with the colors of our national flag. I mean the light blue and gold look nice but they are not exactly USA colors? Could the design be better? Sure. But I think we should use the colors of our flag. 

Hey, uh, can you delete this and rewrite it from a neutral place instead of pitting Christians/believers against non-believers? The reality is this: Chik-fil-a has a schedule policy and it is tied in to their beliefs. That’s their right. If they don’t open, they don’t open. They don’t deny service to anyone based on