Golf R but no golfer

Reuniting of the continents - the return of Pangea. You heard it here first!

Or maybe they just don’t support the president. Maybe they disagree with a president that made the biggest donation the taliban has ever had. Maybe they think this president has been extremely stagnant. Did anyone chant anything racist? Not even close. Just because someone doesn’t share a political stance with you

Consumer vehicles are becoming more and more like smartphones on wheels. It only makes sense that in the next 20 years, we’ll see at least one large tech conglomerate - Sony, Apple, Google, Amazon, Samsung - will attempt launch their own transportation device of some kind. Key word being “attempt” - and if successful,

simulated shifts. wo ho. why not put a pretend stick shift on the floor that changes the pitch and tone and volume of the simulated engine sounds.

This absolutely strikes me as greenwashing at the highest level. Like Al Gore driving his Prius to the airport to board his private jet.

Have they taken into account the increased backdoor emissions that come from eating veggie slurry based fake meat product?

As much as the Mustang II is reviled now I remember when it was new, modern and extremely popular. Back then, reviewers were a lot more forgiving, perhaps because what there was to compare the car to wasn’t that much brighter a light.

Despite what many people may say or think, none of this is ok.”

A group was exercising their right to free speech in a non-violent fashion and now you’re celebrating violence against them? Well done, fuck that wholefirst amendment” thing!

This has to do with cars because...they used a Penske truck? You’re not even trying on this one.

No. Any “Reveal Event” is corny and stupid, be it pregnancy, product or gender. Even the....

Ah - so you’re just making shit up

One is meant as a caricature and a derogatory representation the other is meant as a tribute. Slight difference. TikTok’s entire culture is one of appropriation, that’s how memes become viral. If these young girls had ill intent it’d be one thing. But they don’t. They like the dances, they want to do the dances, (the

Content colonizers? Seriously? Talk about semantic satiation. Words used to have meaning. You seriously are likening some dumbshit teens stealing TikTok dances to the systematic violent takeover of entire countries? NO wonder you think you’re so oppressed, you forget what oppression actually is.

Don’t flatter yourself thinking we actually care. It’ll be just another day for most of us. So keep your “I’m gonna school white people!”, to yourself.

Koenigsegg is the visionary Musk pretends to be on his best days.

However, if you pay to fix my house, then I will stay and be happy. Perhaps just pay off my mortgage too. Then with my extra unemployment money and other support monies this summer, I will be set.

Umm... this “new plant” is really just a replacement for the old engine plant that was there and is an extension of the existing assembly plant that was right next door. They share the same property and are connected via the shipping yard in between them. The property of the facility has expanded to take over a street

This is good Jalop.

Am I missing something? I see no connection other than the origins of the festival or party or whatever that would tie her to KKK leanings. If dumbass Black people wanted to join that bullshit, that’s of course their choice but I don’t see where she was personally connected to the KKK or even racism. I also think it’s