Golf R but no golfer

The real trouble is the freedom.

I for one welcome our new squirrel overlords.

I find it more frustrating that prominent leftist YouTubers like ContraPoints are ranting about “Cancel Culture” despite the fact that their videos still get millions of views, they make at least $10,000 a month on Patreon, and they have a legion of fans who are ready and willing to harass anyone who calls them out on

Wow. Classic one-sided, stick to the party line without any critical thinking. Kind of like the idiots who toed the MAGA line without thinking about it. You know nothing about me or my ascestors yet you pass judgement. I won’t argue with your (wrong) interpretations or judgements because arguing with someone who

“Hero” for stopping the law from being enforced? Absolutely not. I’m a huge advocate for more immigration into the US (especially from Mexico, Central, and South America). We are a nation of immigrants and our culture grows through immigration as does our economy. There is literally no downside to increased

Mr. Longoria, the “Musky” smell of your testosterone induced tantrum leads me to believe that you are quite brand biased. Might cause some viewers here to get all Elon-gated. Others here might soon deem this Space X rated due to the manure...I meant mature content.

2040 headline:  electric vehicles now more deadly than ICE vehicles

The other big issue is cost of charging. The cost per kwh can vary wildly, and often be many times the cost to use gas. At home I charge my Volt at night for about 11 cents per kwh, which works out to about $1.21 to go 40 miles. Let’s say I buy a gallon of gas for it for $2.75 and can go roughly the same 40 miles

Also, it’s only extra 20-30 min now, when there are only a few EVs around, so there is always an open charger available and you don’t have to wait. When there are more EVs, it will be extra 30 min to charge, plus another 60+ to wait until a charger frees up.

20-30 minutes on top of an already comparatively short range.

No that extra thirty minutes out of an already time crunched life, is not negligible. It is the major factor holding EVs back. When you can fuel up your EV in the same time and manner as a gas car, then we’ll start getting somewhere.

Everyone has it backwards. Priority should be handled in this order:
1. Infrastructure to support EV (charging, supply - thorium reactors)
2. Battery technology - and cleaner way to produce them.
3. Mass adoption of EVs.

Here’s something many don’t think about. By regulating a very aggressive timeline may ultimately produc

The truth here is Bosch are right.EVs are not the only sustainable energy option and we shouldnt be letting stupid politicians play favorites!
Both synthetic fuels and hydrogen can be made from fully sustainable energy sources.
These fuels are more costly than using EVs for now.But if we include the true cost of going

People that accelerate to a lofty 45mph to get on a highway where the speed limit is at least 65 endangering everyone behind them on the onramp and everyone in the right lane of the highway who has to slam brakes or get out of the way.

People that don’t keep a steady speed on the interstate.