Golf R but no golfer

If Clark Griswold had driven this then his hubcaps would have not been stolen.

Looks dang nice to me. But I may be a little partial as I have a 2016 manual trans model in white. It does check all of the boxes. The 2022 have high levels of creature comforts with heated rear seats as standard.

At least no hidden agendas here...such as when not quite yet President Obama traded in his hemi powered Chrysler 300 for a hybrid Escape in order to appear politically correct. I prefer any candidate...left or be straight forward and not pull the wool over our eyes. Of course they all do it. That’s the

Just make a sign with that on it and go to the VW plant in Chattanooga and stand in the parking lot with it. You’ll be a popular guy. The automotive industry is a world economy. A VW failure affects the US too.

The kid is saying “Dad, I told you not to f*** with my internet. Now the sh*t’s about to get real.” Or however you would say that in French.

Was there a “snorting” pun intended somewhere in there?

Amen. I wholeheartedly agree with the “iPad on wheels” comment. I was so eager to trade my 2016 Golf R manual transmission for a 2022 with new and improved AWD, more hp and still offering a manual transmission....but the infotainment system reviews thus far have me wary. Touch and haptic controls for everything. It is

Calm deescalation had left the plane before it even left the ground. Calmly suggesting that he sit down and eat his free pretzels was not an option. Kudos for her quick thinking and action. This was an act of self defense. A mental illness condition does not grant a free pass. Stop, disarm and subdue are the only

4th Gear....yes the e-Transit is a move in the right direction but Ford has to up their range game as the initial 126 miles of range is not great. Granted that is around average for a UPS or FedEx driver. I would hope to see that range at least doubled in the near future.

I thought it was Morons.

Read and think before making your beef....oh great Beef Supreme. Pun intended.

Blatant disregard for laws and the rights, safety, and property of others is wrong regardless of which side of the aisle you are on.

Interesting how a protest linked to the “right” is treated so differently than a “left” linked protest.

Aren’t the main reasons that people choose peer-to-peer rentals like Turo the premise of getting a bargain...compared to regular rental companies...or getting a type of vehicle you couldn’t get from a regular rental company.

Sounds like an eggciting and eggstrordinary event. I hope the attendance is eggselent. The eggsorbitant nature of this craft does eggsemplify the Bezos motto of “Work Hard, Have Fun, Make History” while drivers urinate in plastic bottles. The irony of it all.

The only real winners int he self-driving world are those in possession of their Juris Doctor degree when the lawsuits start flying amidst all of this.

Amen on the WRX hatch. A hot hatch must be a hatch by definition and they are far and few between as the automotive research teams say we don’t want “econobox” hatches. My Golf R w/ manual trans suits me just fine.

Now that is the very definition of government foresight and efficiency. Let’s make all the taxpayers move to EV’s and we’ll go the other direction....and pretend no one will notice.

Can we get any love for the Subaru Baja? It tried to do the mullet look...”business in the front and party in the back” thing.

No need to bring Jim Henson in on this.