Golf R but no golfer

This car performed amazingly for its age. At one point I had a 1980 Ford Fiesta. In its 6th year of life the u-shaped panhard rod broke in half. Had this occurred at highway speeds in a curve, I would have wound up with this tin can wrapped around my and it would not have been pleasant. Fatigue and failures such as

Yep....the good ol’ USA runs on blaming others for one’s actions or inactions. No self responsibility.

Yes, and there some relation here to Clark Kent? Regardless, this is a Super Dealership.

Amen. But of course being the cynical, glass half empty society we have become; we have to try to make a positive into a negative.

Sounds like Marcy Wheeler is just a typical attention whore ambulance chaser. Yawn........

This is a reminder...once again...that personal responsibility no longer exists in the good old USA. Someone or something else is always to blame for our misfortunes, dumb choices, and general stupidity.

“Even a great company can be priced too high if there’s a lot of glamour attached to it.” Philip Fisher

The ones that Kris delivered were delivered to airbags and some had optional enhanced front facing dual airbags.

On Hagerty’s would this accurately describe this TR7? A 1980 TR7 of this rating are valued at $7,300 so the price would appear to be Nice. Definitely not mean...unless gremlin (no pun intended) is hiding in there somewhere.

Appears they put some artistic touches on several things. Check out the radiator cap. From

Now playing

He will actually be singing this song along the way....

Tessie, the green monster, appears to already be employed by the Red Sox, but for the right amount of cash, to match her color, and some stock options, I am sure she would trade the B for a nice fat T.

Because we all have a weakness for train wrecks...even those in slow motion. Hopefully the only injuries here will be to various people’s pride and their bank accounts. Yikes!

Just goes to show that if you marry the Rong wife, she could Ruan your life.

Or perhaps this is the answer :)

That is exactly what I was going to say about your opinion. Who cares.

Up the Irons.....metal for the thinking metal-head.

Perhaps this is more your age group, style, or demographic :)

Point taken. I see the kit-car concept there in the mix.

To pee or not to pee....that is the question. His answer was incorrect.