Golf R but no golfer

NASCAR can piss off. Isn’t it better to be pissed on that pissed off. Go with the flow NASCAR. Rebrand yourself as NAStiCAR.

gnarkiler76 nailed it.

Thank you for your expert opinion on climate change. Snowflakes love that kind of talk.

Yes and your cash will disappearFast” and you may wind up “Furious” without a sequel to look forward to.

Too bad Allison’s Jeep didn’t sport an NRA sticker so she could explain the United States Constitution’s 2nd Amendment to that Canadian a$$hole for assaulting her.

I think Elon has gone bananas...or his money has gone to his pp....courtesy of imgflip

Mercedes, sounds like you are just getting started. Let nothing stand between an automotive woman and her dreams...or obsession. Often both are undeniably linked. You are “driven”. Keep on acquiring....

FSD is one class action lawsuit away from being DOA. Unless or until there are dedicated smart roads for FSD vehicles to be segregated from regular vehicles, there will be no real future for FSD.

If you don’t like a particular dish prepared a certain way....the easy answer is DON’T FIX IT THAT WAY!

Glad to meet someone who is without sin or vice or has never broken a single law. Your glass house must be very comfortable.

1st Gear....are you kidding yourself?

MTS : He called me a whore.
Dead Elvis Inc : Is that true?
Brandon (Let’s Go) : Well, yes a whore. She inferred hooker, but I meant slut.

He shouldn’t have wasted his time. She got what she wanted out of the deal....controversy and appears she already had the “exposure” part down.

I think the idea here is you “You hang out with dogs you get fleas”.

Megan Duh Donkey isn’t that important either. I wouldn’t have wasted my time talking to that narcissist. Those are a dime a dozen in her world.

For urban snowplowed roads any drive wheel combination will get you to your destination. In a rural unplowed environment, 4 powered wheels is the only way to ensure that you will not walk part of the way. Unless you are putting chains on your tires or running studs.

I just need to know when I can get a Tesla with a manual transmission. That would be the bees knees or cats pajamas.

Amen V10omous!

I recall from very early in life that you don’t play chicken with a vehicle. It just ain’t smart.

Wagons are the best combination of practicality and handling that money can buy. I wish America shared this same sentiment about wagons and hatchbacks that Europe has perfected. I live on the wrong continent.