Golf R but no golfer

Prius is a good “appliance” vehicle. Great mileage but no soul.

What is sad is that there are some out there who want to make this into “yet another” racist thing. From a Reuters article “One [black supporter], Sylvia Tumusiime, said in an interview that the verdict left her “angry, upset and seeing that this is white American. White America,” after she had attended the entire

Coach Door Edition came out in 2019 as part of Lincoln Continental’s 80th anniversary celebration. All 80 made that year sold out in 48 hours. There were 150 built for 2020. These are custom builds by Cabot Coach Builders. Very nice setup if you have the green.

But only took 70 years for the right “caring family members” to say enough is enough....and monetize how much she meant to them.

So some fornicating person might opt for a Rivian or an F150EV, etc etc. Let’s not limit our thinking to EV cars.

Exactly! I hope some people bull rushed through and by these morons. But those luggage grabbers would be the first to cry foul and sue if something did happen due to their wanton disregard for others.

Funny how the Root hasn’t latched on to this video with a black “Karen”. Funny how she plays the race card and claims the Lambo driver’s white privilege for her blatant mistake. Well...actually not funny...incredibly sad that our society has devolved to this level. Very sad.

I am not understanding what version of this story some are reading.

Appears that the author was driving his Delorean at the time of writing this and had traveled to the future to see the completed version of the road. Thankfully he returned to share his observations but alas did not remember to change the tense of his verbs.

Yes Steve, music...especially in the form of loud heavy metal...can be quite an inspiration for many things. For me, it usually results in excessive road speed.

Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or, CARES Act, was passed by Congress on March 27th, 2020. This bill allotted $2.2 trillion to provide fast and direct economic aid to the American people negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemi.

The reason that any police officer would quit these days is very evident. A few bad apples and self-serving SJW’s have ruined it for the rest of the police. Who would want to try and do a job where you know you are walking around constantly on egg shells and that you know that a criminal’s word is going to be taken

I would hope the state or local government could now convert the rail line into rails-to-trails usage. These type trails have become very popular and well used. In fact usage in my area has really increased during the pandemic.

For 4th Gear....does it bother anyone else when article include links to other relative content and you eagerly click on these links to learn more...when “poof” the magic dragon of “You have to have a subscription to view this premium content” swoops in and dashes your hopes. Such was the case for the Automotive News

Agreed. That is why I am going to invest in front and rear video cameras for my commuting eBike. Thankfully most of these knuckle draggers are just trying to be “wanna be rednecks”. Blow them a kiss. They hate that. Then call the police and show them the footage. If they don’t want to pursue it, then take it to social

Damn right. Charge him with Vehicular Assault and send him to the pokey for 5 to 15 years. Let him find out how coal is rolled back up into the tail pipe.

But this was “North” Dakota and not “South” Dakota so you can’t blame the south for this one.

Yes, this is unacceptable. The payoffs and bribes need to be increased hundredfold. They say fraud and Tesla says “skilled used car sales person”.

They were actually vacationing in Lake Tahoe as the wildfires approached. Being opportunists, they saw an easy way to loot a little. Now they proudly hoist and display their ill-gotten gains as the wildfires rage in the background. They know that no one will ever miss these things as the homes will be nothing but

So way back when....the hugely popular 90210 (a high school themed series and not a one time movie) featured the the start of filming: