Golf R but no golfer

Zack, while everyone is entitled to their own opinion, could you please explain your comment “For reasons unknown to Black people like me who don’t give a single, solitary fuck about fragile white feelings....”?

potholessuck you beat me to it. Appears she was booked on “assault causes bodily injury family member”. So not only is she a danger to society, she is a danger to her own family. Are we sure this is the “cash me outside” girl...or at least her twin?

So who is going to foot the bill for the astronomical cost of installing charging stations EVERYWHERE?

Has anyone thought about what happens when many homes are EV only and then the power goes out for several days (such as Texas ice storms this year, hurricanes, tornadoes, wild fires, etc). Even an overnight outage could leave an EV “stranded” if it had a marginal battery level for a long commute the next morning. But

First car was the 1970 or 71 Ford Maverick Grabber in Grabber Yellow that my dad purchased new when I was 6 or 7. He only owned it briefly as a 2 door wasn’t family friendly. If only I then what I know now....

Exactly! Slow interstate entrance ramp mergers are the bane of uniform traffic flow. Now the person that comes to a complete stop at the end of such an entrance ramp should have their interstate driving privileges revoked.

Amen to Speed. You nailed it. I would add (and no offense to hard working tractor trailer drivers...who are under-appreciated)....but when said tractor trailers begin a passing maneuver on the interstate just as they start up a hill...then cannot complete said maneuver and force us all to the 40 mph range for what