
Spotted in Chicago a couple weeks ago!

Why is this on Jalopnik now?

Man, what a cool time to be alive and see this shit

This is quite honestly the most inexplicable and obviously awful corporate idea I have ever heard of. They would have been better off reminding people they offer health insurance to their employees, unlike most independent coffee shops or fast food joints. For that, I have never hated Starbucks, but this "race

Wagons are based on real cars. Some of them, like the M5 or E series AMG ones, look really badass in your rearview mirror, unlike all SUVs which look tall, stupid, and wallowy.

I still don't totally understand that question. I do, but then I don't.

Hingle Mccringleberry got snubbed. I knew perceptions about his maturity would keep him off this team. You can't dent he's an absolute monster in the red-zone.

Clowntroll blogger? He writes for Deadspin?

Justin. Beiber.

We are taking this seriously and apologize to anyone who was affected by the story.

La Guardia.

How hard would it have been to call the guy's campaign and ask for some evidence of his participation on the football squad? Because the only issue that really mattered for most readers was that you were impugning the guy's credibility, the least you could have done was try to maintain yours.

Yeah amazing I don't believe you at all, And based off your bullshit article I have no reason to believe you. Its was a easy chance to trash a Republican and you took it without doing any real research on the story.

Fortunately, you have that option.

If you're disciplining a one year old, you aren't even fucking trying to parent.

Message to Adrian Peterson: FUCK YOU and your stupid fucking Bible verses. Shove them up your fucking ass.

I'm sure your 3-year old appreciated your thoughtful and detailed explanation.

I'm keeping my baby of the pole. By any means necessary.

You clearly don't have kids.

This is a three-scoop ice cream sundae of bullshit with a cherry on top. I am not sure anyone has questioned whether he loves his son or whether he is perfect, so his statements that he does and he isn't are utterly meaningless. And the law doesn't require intent to injure, so his statement that, in effect, "I meant