
E63 Wagon, hands down. Guys, it’s not that we don’t appreciate what you’re doing, but it’s a freakin wagon, which by definition means you want it to haul the wife, kiddos, and Sparky around. It also means that one day your 18 year-old son might need to borrow it, which is a recipe for disaster. Love the car but it’s

The problem is that many of these are made by companies that have wildly limited production numbers to begin with. Anything they make will be rare. It’s more interesting to think about cool limited editions or discontinued models by major manufacturers, like the Juke or whatever. Veneno? Yawn.

More fake outrage. Sweet.

Dude is a run-of-the-mill delusional anti-Isreali troll. Ignore and move one.

Chicago friends had tons of Lou Malnati's delivered to the reception when band was done around midnight. It was brilliant.

This guy filled his preachiness quota months ago...I can't stand him.

He looks like MC Hammer.

Volvo V60 Polestar owner here. It is freakin sweet. And I am not making this up - it has lacrosse equipment (my son's) in the trunk at this moment.

I spent a while checking this out at the Chicago Auto Show. Sadly, though to my benefit, absolutely no one was at the Volvo setup. Anyway, the car is wonderful inside, world's better than anything comparable. Anyone buying an X5 or an ML350 is marrying the ugly girl. In a couple years the Germans will be copying the

"Editorial board." How cute, you think you're real journalists.

This is beyond terrifying and nothing to joke about. In 1997, a couple people I went to high school with were killed in Chicago when the same thing happened. The driver was basically uninjured, the two on the passenger side both killed. It was incredibly sad.

Terriffic and painfully true bit on how the internet has amplified the echo chambers. That it appears on Gawker - one of the most glaring examples of this - is extremely ironic. The lure of a political slant must simply be too great to ignore. IIRC, Gawker was just your basic sorta blog(s) for its first few years, but

Even now, they still can't manage to do the right thing.

Wrong. This is not a story about a lying "victim" ruining it for all real victims. It's about the incomprehensible failures of journalistic standards at Rolling Stone. If the next article or expose manages to follow the most basic journalistic standards, no one is going to scream bloody murder about it being a lie.

What was obvious to every objective observer (and expert) a few days ago is now clear to you today?

I am one of the lucky 80 recipients of a V60 Polestar. I just love saying that.

Full disclosure, I'm only a casual FF fan. Never bought an album, never seem em live. What that being said...

The only surprise is that it took this long.

I can't figure out why they didn't give the upcoming Polestar's those nice looking LED's.

I can't figure out why they didn't give the upcoming Polestar's those nice looking LED's.