
I’m glad somebody still enjoys a nice pass during all this #MeToo nonsense.

In before this comments thread detonates.

Yeah turns out MLB uniforms are real baggy and not form fitting.

Truly a crime, Dog.

Or, just hang out with your wife and kids. That seems appropriate here.

I’m Sorry, Mr. Jackson, but are you for real?

Sure thing, Mr. Jackson.

I got it mixed up with the other paper that broke a story about a famous man being accused of sexual misconduct. Me culpa. My point stands, though, and your (and Jezebel’s) attempt to deflect from that point based on a trivial mistake is frankly pure cowardice.

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

Katie’s reporting on this was total dogshit. It consistently misrepresented events and statements and never corrected them.

Uh, there were no allegations (not even anonymous ones) on record and Kirkman denied her article was about LCK. And the origin of the story appeared to be a Gawker article.

That’s awesome that you got to meet Roger Federer

Where did she tee off from?

Chris Long seems like a pretty good dude.

Unfortunately for Breitbart I don’t think even the Mercer family has that kind of money.

not really, no

As a non-Pats fan, let me just say: fuck ALL of you Pats fans.

This is a bad take

The team is the Fighters. Sponsored by Nippon Ham.

I never knew why nike made so many wicking synthetic polo shirts, but now I realize they are the ultimate shirt for drunken stadium fighting.