Get over yourself.
Get over yourself.
Lou Gehrig would be so proud.
Raise your hand if you had to look up Ore-Ida fries.
He opted for the heart emoji. No wonder the Mets lost. That’s a loser move.
That’s too bad. For me, it’s the gift that keeps on giving. Same same but different every game.
I think it’s a restuarant in the West Village.
“...the internet was just a bunch of hype”
Get a decent tight end. Force them to cover the midfield and spread the defense. For more detail, watch a Patriots game.
Completely agree. He was a pariah on so many teams. And he cheated the record books.
Gold jacket, green jacket. Who gives a shit!?
You’re lame. Stop being such a downer.
Epic succession of shots. Still nothing beats this for me:
I do not know or know of this person.
Can’t wait for Alec Baldwin’s take on this guy tomorrow night.
This guy wasn’t having any of it:
Seriously. Tell the Mom to tell the nanny to go find that thing.
Seriously. Orlando is shitty even by the standards of Floridians.
I preferred when these celebrations were limited to championship series.