mind if I Slytherin?

Not at all to trivialize Malala, but isn't there a possibility that she enjoyed talking to Bieber? We may all think he's a little shit, but at 17 she's right in the age range to be a fan. She's been an activist since she was very young, but you can be super amazing and serious and also like pop culture, right?

Here is a photo of Scott Disick and French Montana wearing very expensive watches while feasting on lobster in matching bibs; in hell, the devil has pinned this to his gluttony inspiration board.

ARE THEY DATING?????? Justin and Malala 4 EVER!!!!!!!!! Beefzai!

Announced in this week's Weekly Famitsu, Gunvolt's rival will be the avenging character, Acura (アキュラ)... Or maybe it's "Acula"... It's so hard to tell with Japanese sometimes.

Anime leads to bad grades.
Video Games turn kids into killers.
Skateboarders want to sell your kids drugs.
Your kids may be a hacker if he uses Linux.

The staff member continues on saying how, during the summer vacation, some parents came to the school searching for help. The parents told the school that their children were spending their time "playing" with anime, and that some had even made plans to attend an anime get-together. "Concerned," the parents sought out

But that dose not mean I have to carry hatred to a generation of people that had nothing to do with what happen 70 years ago. No one is dismissing that what happened to those people back then was not a horrible thing, but to show hatred to an entire race for something this current generation had nothing to do with is

The point isn't that we should forget about it, it's that we shouldn't have any animosity towards the people living there now. Nearly all the people that perpetrated it are dead, why should we hold their sons and daughters accountable now?

finally, do you have any idea how hard stuff like this is to find

Not sure if serious, but if so you are no worse if not even worse than anyone of the people you have so called prejudice for. I assume you're trolling though because only a caveman or Bible thumper could have such a backwards thinking, precambrian point of view.

I'd have to disagree, actually. Their anger at whom? The Japanese aren't a singular entity you can just be mad at, just like any other race. This happened 70 years ago. Probably 90% of those who were responsible for Japan's actions at that time are long dead by now.

In Korea it's the left wingers who are anti-Japan. They are the ones associated with the Communists. The right wingers (conservatives) are the ones who have historically supported ties with the Japanese. President Park has broken from this tradition mostly because her father was a dictator and pro-Japanese and she

Our police do not view the populace as actual people. If you are ever here, do your damn best not to get taken in. You will be treated like a hardened criminal even if you are there on unpaid tickets. Everyone is suspicious of everyone here, we are still living in the McCarthy era, only now it is terrorists instead of

Man you think you guys get tired of the 9/11 stuff. I live in Alabama and hoo boy, guess what's coming up in a month? National "You better remember this or you're a terrorist" Day.

Don't you just love how Americans seem to have to make every world event revolve around them. How in any way is a natural tsunami linked to a coordinated first strike in response to an Oil Embargo?

Out of curiosity, is there a translation of the lyrics of the song out there? Knowing what's being sung at that point would help put this all into context.

What if he liked The Beach Boys?? Oh wait..

There's a fine line between "Nuclear Option" and "Supervillain Option", but I do believe you've managed to find it.

If you're determined to leave and the landlord won't let you off the lease, then it's time to consult a lawyer who specializes in tenant law. There're also tenant's rights groups who may be able to advise you on how to proceed and who to talk to. For example, you may well have standing to actually evict your roommates

I think I just saw something I'll not be able to forget.