mind if I Slytherin?

Or maybe people do what’s sexually comfortable for them and it has nothing to do with “growing up”? I really hope you aren’t planning on shaming your children’s sexual choices to their face if it goes in a direction you disapprove of.

Those weren’t sex robots, though, just PCs given human form. If I remember correctly, they had a “self defense” feature that would activate if you even tried to stick something inside them.

Meanwhile it sounds like you didn’t read past the 4th word.

Check the greys.

Because it’s an insult that men should even WANT anything else, instead of falling over themselves to be with A Goddess Such As Themselves.

Cheaper and more personality.

Nah, a lot of girls nowadays joke/brag about going through their bf’s phone to “make sure” he isn’t talking to any other women. How many of them are serious, I can’t say. But there is definitely a fad (culture?) of unabashed spying on your partner for control rn.

Unfortunately the modern feminist movement has gotten very sex-negative over the past few years. (Unless the “sex” is a woman in a position of absolute power, and only she gets off. Scare quotes because that’s no more sex than the “3 pumps and fall asleep” guys they whine about.)

You do realize that the sofa was a lot of people’s first sex toy, right? Especially the ones with the p/leather cushions - a bit of KY and you basically have a proto-vag.

I believe you are officially in the mode known as “hysteria”.

Actually, some people hate noise during sex; it’s often distracting at best, annoying at worst. I usually watch my porn on mute.

Threatened, hm?

Between the lack of livable pay and no support dealing with customer abuse, retail and service jobs are so demeaning. But Amazon has the perfect solution to end the cycle - fire everyone and replace them with machines!

Yes, please, thank you.

“Maximum House” Do you mean Maxwell House?

Moderation. You just “discovered” moderation.

What I’m wonder is, why are we - a bunch of internet armchair detectives/psychologists - even debating whether another person “deserves” sympathy or not in the first place?

The rock stars who died of overdoses and plane crashes were Petty’s contemporaries, he was just a late adopter.

Yamcha tries his best, okay??

I’m ready for Woody Allen to die so people will finally shut the fuck up about Woody Allen. I’m sure he’s a brilliant director, but let’s be honest - he’s like Martin Scorsese, a relic of the mid-century cinema golden age. His name has prestige, but is way past his time.