A lot of this culture war about harrassment and women can be explained like this. There are 3 types of women:
A lot of this culture war about harrassment and women can be explained like this. There are 3 types of women:
There was a joke PSA on one of those late night TV shows back in 2009, back when H1N1 was causing a mass panic. Basically, it was announced that it was spreading in part due to people coming to school/work sick as dogs and giving it to everyone they knew, and there was an immediate push from businesses to get people…
I just happened to see a 10 second clip of Portlandia on the news, the skit about the restaurant chicken. It made me want to push my way into the TV screen and punch all three of them as hard as I possibly could. It physically hurt me.
IKR?? Bad things happened while Obama was in office, just like good things are happening now. A puppy made a really cute sneeze; somebody lost their benefits. A rich person made a generous donation to a local underfunded school; another rich person petitioned to have anti-homeless spikes placed outside their downtown…
Who is supposed to not be giving up here?
It’s a parody of Jackass. Just watch that.
*protracted sigh*
You may or may not be pleased to know that PBS has an “updated” version of The Electric Company
I started in middle school when “sk8r punk” was a huge thing, and have not managed to make myself stop. So far the only people who seem to really mind it are older (35+) women.
Asking someone to get rid of their pets for you is way over the line. He was pretty apt when he mentioned that its pretty much like telling someone to ditch their kids.
^Thank you. Yes, most (if not all) of these people are almost definitely guilty. But a Twitter mob is in no way the best place judge guilt or innocence of anyone. It has it’s uses as a community board, bringing issues to light, but that’s it.
Check AVClub.
Same reason jade is now extremely pricey and harder to come by these days. (Nephrite jade, not Maw-sit-sit.)
Except you’re fighting “on behalf” of her/her son. They didn’t ask for it and now they’re coming out to say that it’s unwelcome and negatively impacting their day-to-day lives. Not everyone wants you to play hero for them. Stop it.
That...or she’s just nuttier than squirrel shit and genuinely doesn’t think that what she did was wrong. Not in a “it’s for their own good” way, but a “so the fuck what?” kinda way.
Dunno how old this Dushku lady is, but I think things like this are rarer now. I know for a fact that child actors get independently hired “minders” now, whose entire job description is just to follow the kid around and make sure nothing creepy happens.
Last I heard, he’s fine. Got treatment for alcoholism or some such, now living as just a regular schmo. Gets more than a little touchy when you mention Star Wars, but otherwise normal.
Oh there’s a lot we can do to improve the world. I could donate food to the homeless. Volunteer at any number of my local charities. I could foster a shelter animal, donate supplies to an underfunded school, plant a tree, or knit sweaters for seabirds caught in oil slicks.
Don’t think she needs it much. She is, after all, the one who gets to live in a palace and fuck the prince of goddamn England every day now. A handsome prince at that. There isn’t an insult in the world that could ruin her day anymore.
Something that slowly dawned on me is that all of these keyboard warriors of today are probably going to be the Values Voters of tomorrow.