Oh trust me. They’ve tried!
Oh trust me. They’ve tried!
Rockstar is aptly named.
Nah. You were too generous. She doesn’t care about all white women.
Could be another example of Megyn Kelly caring about issues that directly affect Megyn Kelly....
As a guy whose wife actually is a female stunt driver, that kinda pisses me off because there’s not an awful lot of work to go around.
130 MPH, apparently.
“Let’s ride as if this was our last!!!!!!!!”
What an asshole.
It’s okay, you can say black people.
I bet they watch hockey too, that civilized game that sanctions brutal fistfights as a way of self-policing (kind of like prison).
I have a feeling Deadspin won't be too broken up if you leave.
My mother was in Lagos in December for business. The first words out of the mouth of the driver picking her up when they finally found each other, over an hour later: “Welcome to hell.”
Suggested By: For Sweeden