
She’s not wrong. I’m a dude. I can’t be anything else. No hormones or surgery can change that. It’s literally impossible. Chopping off my privates just makes me a dude without them. Getting silicone boobs just makes me a dude with boobs. Wearing a dress just makes me a dude in a dress. Taking estrogen therapy just

Who wants to see a Monique stand up special?

Are you one of those weirdos that don’t wash their legs or shower everyday?


I’m black and didn’t even get upset when he made the n-word comment because I know he didn’t really mean it. I know white people say that shit in private. Everybody’s a little racist. I’ve been subscribed to him for years and it’s pretty clear from his thousands of videos that he’s not racist, but once the internet

Just tell the truth buddy, you’re just upset he made a joke about Jews. A crime so heinous his life must be ruined for it.


Fertitta? I hardly knew her!

You have to be a special type of stupid to think its a good idea to livestream from a public bathroom!

Jon Snow never got to fight the Night King one on one. WTF! None of the white walker generals fought anyone, they just stood there like dummies. How on earth did they not see Arya coming? I feel let down.

Man of Steel is the best Superman movie.

She’s living her truth. We’re all allowed to identify as whatever we want now.

Just be rich and pay cash for your house. 

The world went to war to stop Nazis. Giving out his phone number is a step down, I think.

At first Yanny, then I strained my ears and heard Laurel. Now I can hear both at the same time.

10/10 would buy.

Shut up

“These are all dark-skin actors playing Africans and I feel like it would have just been off to see me as a biracial American with a Nigerian accent just pretending that I’m the same color as everyone else in the movie.”

Emotional support peacock??????????