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"WTF is this shit"

it's a good start comrades

I love when people are offended by the existence of Dirt Bag™

A loner tries to drop knowledge via internet comments.


I have an idea. What if I dumped my coffee all over my desk, drove my car through the front window of my office, tore open my shirt, and screamed "WU-TANG AIN'T NOTHIN TO FUCK WITH!"

Great food for thought, Diana.

I admire your taste, you bitch.

As a Pat fan, I'm OK with this. As a regular football fan, you sir are an idiot.

"I'm Rob Lowe and I have DirecTV"

I love how Deadspin is making it all about how the Seahawks lost and not how the Patriots took it from them. Biggest 4th quarter comeback in SB history against the "best" defense in football. Deflate that bitches.

Lost in all of this hubbub is the fact that this was a damn good interception. If he'd been even a fraction of a second later he might not have been able to snatch that ball before Lockette.

You know what's fucked up? Reading this, my first strong reaction was "Kamau, you can't buy something and not get a bag! You know better!!" As a black man, I can't stress how often my parents and older siblings drilled into my head the fact that I could never, ever buy anything without getting a bag and, if possible,

That the book is obviously about Loving v Virginia-a civil rights case on interracial marriage- is the icing on the cake.

Well, since there was a white guy outside the restaurant who really was begging people for change and no one on the restaurant staff shooed him away... yeah I think it's safe to say it was about race.

He straight up said there was a white man there who was actually begging for change and no one said anything to him. So obviously you are wrong.

Heres the thing that I don't understand, how hardwired does racism have to be in your brain for you to not think to look at peoples body language. It's pretty obvious to me when people are talking to someone they don't want to be talking to.