
Have someone tell a joke while you are drinking.

I see your Jim Gaffagan and raise you one Levar Burton for fucked up...

I enjoy when GOP politicians play Neil Diamond’s America at their events then come on stage and talk about the evils of immigration.

My first thought is the fact that he was Mickey from Doctor Who - I wouldn’t even think to place him in Star Trek.

Yes, but if there are less people using the bridge the odds of any one person being injured go way down. It’s simple math ;)

Imagine the “upgrade” that consumers could purchase...

Honestly, I have been focusing on my little patch of the world (Durham & Chapel Hill) so I haven’t heard much, but that doesn’t surprise me in the least.
I thought from the beginning that the lack of density would offer a delay. But it was bound to come. I hope it’s enough to make the phases slow down.

Living in NC too (I will never say I am FROM NC) are a few reasons that truly stand out.
1. Because we are rural enough that the Governor is getting daily pressure from all the non metropolitan counties to open up.
2. Our Lt Governor is running for the big seat and has made it his mission to badmouth Copper every chance

Or better yet.... Keep making those payments into a savings account or something like WorthyBonds

That is so weird that I am not the only one who noticed that. What’s realy crazy about it is that Durham is the one county that requires masks in stores. My guess is that people from the other counties are going out more - if you are talking about the Home Depot I think you are, you are probably seeing a bunch of

Why don’t you make like a tree, and get out of here.

After full drivers ed and months of real world practice on my learners I remember doing awesome on my drivers test without even trying.

How far from a normal postal route do you live? I just got earth day coasters (forgive me for purchasing the most non-jalop thing they sold) and was charged less than $2 for shipping. I am actually curious about what other people are being charged for shipping because I assume my item will be both bigger and heavier

How did you not feature the hot wheels framed stamp set?

Could be solved by a flared edge that lies just above the rim when in bed mode.

This is what I was hoping for when the thing was announced. Bring back the Scrambler!

Round for the door. Square for the ignition. Circle begets the square!!!

Government contracts (especially federal with security clearances), positions where you have significant access to IP, and basically any industry that might be concerned you could be “bought” easily due to debt.
Not coming down on the real vs fake argument... just mentioning it’s not limited to finance.

That is what I assumed was happening, and I never even read it anywhere.