
I would like to add on to this that I think drivers should be consistent when dealing with other CARS as well. Yes, I get you are being patient or think you are being nice but it throws the flow of traffic off when you don’t accept your right of way, or really any other such nonsense that is out of the usual.

Then it would make a terrible replacement for a windscreen or a roof don’t you think? It would be like having an umbrella made of porch screen material. Speaking of umbrellas... why aren’t there umbrellas in Star Wars?

Did you see how cold the dude in the back was? and how much the fur on Brian’s hood was whipping around? and the fact that he was wearing goggles? Nope, no force field on that one.

I feel I need to point out that your example of a “ship with just a droid head” actually does contain an entire R2 droid. The little rectangles cutouts that allow legs to enter/exit are clearly visible next to the dome.

While I LOVED Speechless, I don’t think I would want it to continue with JJ off at school and the rest of the family back home. I think part of the dynamic that made it charming would be lost.

Nope, sure isn’t...

College town here too and I feel your pain... They don’t use them because they are “way over there”. There being about 10 feet down and requiring them to double back once they cross the street.

But these are all “paper only” accomplishments. None of these will be give him the immortality he truly craves.

I feel that is innacurate - not the guy being a dick, his assumptions and wording make that seem spot on - but I don’t think there is a mechanism on any credit card to track specific purchases at a store.
So, while they are at Walmart they might be buying a pack of smokes or a case of beer - no reason they can’t make

And shopping channels! Don’t forget the shopping channels!!!

You... You’re just wrong about the pollution levels. Even a quick search will show how much better the air in southern California has gotten since they increased their standards.

L.A. especially has this weird effect to to the nature of it being a valley. Where pollution just goes into the sky and stays. So everywhere

Except the new one will be the one that ends up on basic cable late at night.
See also, Ghostbusters.

I liked the list of things “this beautiful blue green ball” has underwent. But I love the idea the earth created us to make plastic so it would be Earth+Plastic long after we’re gone.

No they placed it with Photoshop. I think they also removed the antenna that way, I am pretty sure I see the stub.

Sounds like effing heaven!

I know all about the concept of pre-authorization. I honestly didn’t know that’s what was happening when I went inside. Had one cashier ever taken a moment to tell me that, getting gas would have been significantly less frustrating.

Incorrect! You must give them an amount for them to be able to ring it up. They won’t wait till you are done and run the card then. NO! There must be an amount on the register. The dumbest effing system ever!!!

When I was in college up I could walk in to any gas station near my school, home, or halfway between and

It actually changes from time to time. it used to be the top one. Now people around me write on the pump to let others know which is mute (my favorite has been “stfu”). However, the mute doesn’t always mute everything... At one station close to me (one I don’t go to unless my fuel is really really low) the

Tilt your head right (or left - ymmv). I may look like a confused dog when I start the pump but I don’t need to take off the glasses.

but the hate is what makes it delicious.