
They did nothing after one of their own was nearly killed, and when 20 babies were massacred. They will NEVER care about this issue.

It takes a brave person to confront the vastness of boredom in baseball and say “I genuinely do not give a shit”

That must have been one very, VERY boring game if the announcers are commenting on people in the stands who, themselves, are not paying attention to the game.

I’d say blacks have a lot to fear from the government. Like, actual violence.

That graph though...

They are either really fucking greedy, really fucking naive or really fucking drunk on their own egos. Or all three.

I was just thinking that we should pre-emptively file a class action.

Absolutely. LinkedIn already allows people to vouch for you — a commenting system that the reviewee has control over. But this concept seems like it will be an inevitable Frankenstein escaping the lab.

What about the professional implications? I’ve had my same cell phone number since my early 20s and I am in my 30s and in the corporate world. If an ex-girlfriend gets in the right mode and has enough wine, or an ex-friend suddenly remembers a 10-year-old beef, they could say something bad, something that might not be

This is fuckin dumb. I already don’t do tinder knowing that most would swipe left. Now you want people to rate each other? Fuckin juvenile high school shit. I'll pass on more popularity contest bullshit.

What’s your best “Invited to the Sock Hop” story?

I’m old. This whole dance “proposal” thing did not exist back when our war was still Cold. It's weird.

Damn, hooking a 23-year-old in your 50s. Way to go, girl!

This isn’t new, it’s just new technology. Back in the day, I sent a carrier pigeon who ended up getting lost and flying west instead of east, and the result was a beautiful, long, sustained pigeon-exchange. We celebrated our seventeenth anniversary in August.

Why would she even seek out the Pope’s approval? She’s not Catholic. That’s like me seeking out approval from a Mormon leader despite being raised Catholic.

Yeah, like.... as an Apostolic Christian her faith definitely believes the Pope is going to hell. I highly doubt she’d want to meet with him, and vice versa.

there’s a 0.0% chance this is real

This is a labrador thing? My friend’s labrador has almost died twice (although this dog is nowhere near smart enough to open cupboards on his own): once after his girlfriend forgot to lock the dog’s food cupboard, and the second time when the cat unlocked the cupboard and was found watching the dog’s bloated, heaving

Congressman DesJarlais is providing a good primer on how anti-abortioneers talk about PP:

When it debuted, I read Lucky religiously, bought the books, etc., until the team that founded the mag left and so did I. A couple of years ago, I picked up a copy and found it strange that a mag that skewed younger in style featured pretty much only ridiculously, prohibitively expensive products. Back it the day, it