
Then he's projecting.

Children are pretty perceptive.

Wait until they discover how often there are semi naked blonde women on Fox News.

Sorry. Into a box. They should crawl into a box...

Ugh, I miss the days on Jezebel when there were actual rules about not commenting on womens' bodies.

What I see is a total lack of imagination on the part of the Hollywood execs. Let it release on VOD sources for free or even for regular VOD platform rates. Release it on torrent sites so it gets pirated from China right over to North Korea.

Awww shucks. Thanks! I have a phone interview in 15 minutes so you were the perfect confidence boost!

I know. I don't think people realize how much FERPA protects them.

Your education records, including your conduct record, are not public records. Period. It doesn't matter if an institution is public or private. Krakauer can get the records if the student whose records he is requesting signs a FERPA waiver releasing that information.

FERPA has been like this since 1974. Educational records are private for everyone and that includes your conduct record. This does open a can of worms where your employers can become privy to the time you were written up for having a case of Natty Ice in your room without your consent.

Thank you! I actually bonded with someone else who got caught in the middle so I ended up with some healthier friendships.

I got out of a lopsided friendship this summer. It was work friends who became real friends and slowly devolved. Eventually I was only a friend when the boys in her life weren't available. She cockblocked me from work things as my supervisor. She borrowed money (even though she made more) and still owes me money

She's old enough that the Chicken pox vax wasn't around during her childhood.

Abstience only education seems to be in pretty direct conflict with the consent based education mandated in tertiary education by the White House. It's kind of a terrible move to not extend that consent education — yes means yes — to K-12. It sets us up to continue a cycle of sexualized violence.

The only reason VAWA got passed was because of the addition of the Campus SaVE act — so Congress does like to deal with Campus Sexual assualt.

Is your trainer a nutritionist?


That's a decision that calls for the Board of Trustees — it's out of the President's hand and they won't meet until likely January/February. So it's complicated — but still gross.

I'm so proud of these young people.

Here's the thing with the school failing to do their job — Title IX is applicable to K-12 and they really failed to do their jobs. Those young women need file a complaint with the Office of Civil Rights.