
That's a nice ecological fallacy. you've demonstrated access issues as related to SES.

Got statistics on that. And, like for your earlier Cuba example, it's necessary to control for acess.

Most ob/gyns function as a women's primary health care giver, so like all things, it's complicated. You can snarky eyeroll all you want. It still remains a systemic issue as to why the c-section rate is so high in the US.

Yes, there a ton of complicated reasons as to why and getting all shamey on choices in a nation where a shit ton of women have wholly inadequate access to prenatal ain't the way to go. It's a systemic issue.

Most of those price raises come from a for-profit insurance company. Those are the people who need to take personal responsibility for cost — not the sick person.

Just an FYI — with state defunding of education the average debt burden is slightly lower for students who attended private colleges than public. You may want to express the contribution amount instead — it may work out financially better for all of you.

I live in the area. So, not as overblown.

I have a strong feeling the strategy behind this is a push to get her new album to be the only platinum album of 2014.

Oh come on — the methodology includes local tanning places near a college.

I can understand the dichotomy. It's tiresome to be constantly asked about sexuality even if it's your image.

Truth. My most successful Halloween for meeting guys was for the 2008 election when I dressed up as Ashley Todd — the woman who faked being mugged by an Obama supporter.

That's not a-typical for ebola patients because of the stigma associated with it. In fact, it's part of the what's making the current outbreak pandemic.

Kindly read with context.

Great aricle, I've been talking about how Duncan's being turned away totally happened due to the intersection of being poor, black, and foreign. It's not hard imagine if a pert white Christian missionary returning from West Africa had come in that the situation would have looked drastically different.

Her gender identity is massively wrapped up in the reaction to her work, especially as it relates to women and their value with looks.

Oddly, different writers can have different opinions.

As someone who will adopt in the next five years, older children and children with disabilities don't come with pricetags. So, if we're going to cut out the -isms, don't forget to cut ageism and ableism when you think about adoption.