DCL is the Dear Colleague Letter regarding Title IX. You're correct. Title IX does not apply to the Service Academies. My mistake.
DCL is the Dear Colleague Letter regarding Title IX. You're correct. Title IX does not apply to the Service Academies. My mistake.
This case happened in 2011. The year the DCL came out around April and before Campus SaVE in 2013. So — it's sometimes hard to anticipate laws that aren't already written. Not that it excuses the institution.
Oh, like mocking fat people?
Right? I do think the promotion is in the works — they're giving her some great roles.
They seem to imply that vanilla sex is the only Godly sex. Which is just silly.
Sure it is
Man, reading comprehension ain't your thing,
Uh, no.
Yeah, like I said if you really knew your shit and weren't lazy there's links and cases you'd share. But this is a non answer.
The world of false accusations in the internet world you come from isn't a real reflection. They are actually relatively easy to suss put with some interesting case law behind it. I'm always fascinated by the education case law that is available that the false accusation trolls could use, but are too lazy or…
Are you typing from 1962? Coed as reference to female candidates is largely outdated.
But — that's the current requirement via the new WH mandates — so why would it be redundant in new legislation? Students are to be notified upon initial notice of incident of their rights to file criminally, civilly, and within the college conduct process.
Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!
Oh, that's right. The inclusion of friends negates all research ever.
Ad homenim. Excellent and compelling strategy.
Awesome. I'm so excited for our well practicing Title IX and Clearly compliant institution to be forced to hand over victims who currently chose not to go to the police over to local PD.
Protest all ye want, I actually quite correct.
The only time when sex by persuading someone to do something by using force or threats otherwise known as coercion is consenual is basically when it's a previously agreed upon kink.
Because any person with a baseline knowledge of victim behavior knows that coercion is absolutely possible with out a weapond and without huge outcry, especially if the victim has been victimized in the past. Honestly, it takes someone a brick short of a load to propose what you're stating.