
I found myself agreeing with Jenny McCarthy. Which makes me assume that the Polar Vortex was actually hell freezing over.

Ojos asi is from her fourth album....

From the above article:

I find it odd that they make the mention of his reading of R Kelly but yourfaveisproblematic doesn't list R Kelly - a convicted pedophile/rapist. I'm all for mocking him.

There has been a law on the books in NYS since 2008 that shields underage children from being charged with prostitution as long as they agree to aid in the prosecution of their pimps.

Haha. No.

I'd so watch. I love porn, but I hate porn where it's clear that the angle is for the camera's and she not getting anything out of it. And not all porn needs a blow job or a money shot.

The majority of sexual assault cases I've dealt with in higher education do not get picked up by the DA because it's a "he said, she said." Burden of proof is MUCH lower on a campus than in criminal court.

Well that was kind of abelist and nasty. And I ain't no fan of Reagan.

I didn't code switch from work to Jezebel. Apologies, but yes let's have tone arguments as feminist.

I feel rather postmodern. You did an awful lot of tone reading in to two sentences that gave you the answer. Good luck!

There's no actual numbers that a school should be in target range for Cleary reporting. So no, your premise can't hold.

Don't forget the anti-choicers!

Schools can't legally underreport. That would be a Cleary violation and would result in major problems for the institution.

That's a federal requirement of Title IX. The only people who can't be mandated in an education environment would be health and mental health workers.

That's VERY typical on a state campus. You'd find that due to resources those campus officers are better trained than their local counterparts.

Yeah, I'd get a kick out of that kind of kink, but something tells me I won't fit their 'requirements'/

The students are still there. They may be subject to conduct charges, but those students' privacy is protected under FERPA.

Terrible trolling.

Uh, read the article.