So basically Robocop without the near death?
1st Trailer:
You sure that’s not Kerrigan?!? I have to watch the cinematic again.
Pretty sure automobiles were also being made in Europe around the same time, by hand. Henry Ford’s innovation was developing the assembly line so cars could be mass produced in a cheaper manner.
LOL, nice.
Which Defiant :) I’m guessing you mean the DS9 version, but I like both.
Yeah but she conveys so much with that one word. Kind of like Vin Diesel & his use of three words.
Was that the Doomblogger in about 1:17 - 1:18? There was a guy being shot at & his face looked like it was reflecting light.
Valkyria Chronicles is finally on Steam, get it for just 10 bucks today.
Valkyria Chronicles is finally on Steam, get it for just 10 bucks today.
I remember salty being used in that context a lot in middle school back in the 80s and highschool in the 90s.
I use a XBox 360 controller & it's not that bad, but I don't feel like people should be forced to use a controller if they prefer a keyboard and mouse for a game that supposed to be designed for PC by PC gamers.
I have the same issues, but I didn't stop playing... I just stopped playing as much. I still get the crashes, but they seem to happen less often than they did when I first started playing.
The thing that gets me is how the Gamecube controller is perfect for both child size hands all the way up to adult hands. The 360 controller is my second favorit, but the Gamecube controller was amazing for what it was.
I liked in Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes he tried to use both Adamantium and Vibranium. Think he was thrwarted at getting Vibranium, but successful with the Adamantium.
I'd add Christopher Nolan's Batman because of spying, and Amanda Waller is not worse than Dick Cheney... I think I'll just have to agree to disagree. I think Waller can be a horrible person, but I don't think she's a villain.
... and Batman? My only point is that I agree she isn't necessarily a hero, but that doesn't automatically make her the villain. Also if you asked her she definitely wouldn't see herself as the villain check out at 4:18:
"The Ends Justify The Means" doesn't necessarily make her a villain in the world superheroes either though, it's just a very slippery slope. There are many heroes that fit that mentality, The Punisher, Rorschach, certain versions of Batman.
I don't disagree with you. I just think out of all of the Teen Titans Robin & Speedy are the hardest to suspend disbelief. The live action version of Speedy isn't a teen though, he's an adult who works in a bar and drinks. That said, if someone made a believable Hit Girl, I think we can suspend disbelief enough to…