
I agree with you that a live action would be really hard to pull off successfully, but I think it can be done. I'm also a long time Teen Titans fan. Wolfman & Perez's 80's take on the characters are when I really got into comics. That said you mentioned that the idea that heroes putting kids at risk wouldn't fly,

Wow... I'm the opposite. I think I've replayed ME1 like 4 or 5 times, and could never bring myself to finish DA1. Never got DA2 just because of all the bad reviews. DA3 looks like it'll be really good though.

If they're serious about a Suicide Squad movie, I wonder if they have the where-with-all to cast CCH Pounder as Amanda Waller.

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I'd imagine the Red Skull would talk a lot like Fire Marshall Bill... Let me show you something!

It's a Taco Bell exclusive drink. This past summer Pepsi actually sold it in stores, but it was for a limited time. It's kind of like a lime inspired Mountain Dew. It's really good. They also had another flavor called Distortion that I miss which was more of a sour lime Mountain Dew.

Reminds me of the old X-Com Sectoid:

I didn't think Superman was allowed to wear the red trunks any longer because they made his character look right or something.

That would make sense. I never got into the character from the newspaper serials. I think my first exposure was Defenders of the Earth, and then comic versions of him from the 80s/90s.


I never thought the Phantom had an aversion to guns.

You're right. I was forgetting other takes on the character. I was stating what I prefer. The car seems cool, I just don't like it for Batman. Luckily, I don't have to spend my money on it, and those that dig it can happily enjoy it.

I forgot about the Nolan movie as I tend to think of that as it's own thing that's kind of separate from the rest of the Batman mythos. I guess when I tend to think of a "core" Batman it's one that doesn't use guns in any way shape or form

Yes, I am well aware of that. I did forget about the Nolan movies because they seem to be their own take on Batman that is kind of it's own Elseworld. I guess I like the canons where Batman actively turns guns down.

Again Tim Burton.

The only time I remember the Batmobile having guns on it was in Tim Burton's Batman. I wouldn't use that as canon for anything Batman seeing some of the stuff that Tim Burton has done (and I like Tim Burton).

As a huge TMNT fan, you should do yourself a favor and actually watch it and formulate an opinion based on real data. It was pretty good.