The Reformed Swan

Yeah, because there are no racists in the midwest or New England. Right.

California can pay for all the Mexicans they get without federal dollars. Good luck. La Raza for the win! Remember Bell, California! LOL!

California will cry when they are left paying for all of those Mexicans without federal dollars. Let them go.

yeah, she has to put the males first or she is toast.

Both men look gay.

The police can want to question me for a house egging and I’m going to demand a lawyer before I can open my mouth about anything else other than the request for a lawyer.

Your only response can be, “Please forgive me for being white. I will do better with whipping myself in the future!”

No action is ever good enough for SJW Kara Brown. Let’s tear those white bitches down a few pegs.

I’m not part of we.

What a first world conversation/complaint.

She sounds trans.

The taxpayers.

Pumping his body full of crap probably killed him.

Yes, but was it two women and one man, or two men and one woman? It makes a difference.

Give it a fucking rest.

They got Whole Foods now. Brooklyn is not a state.

I got tears. OMG!

This is the logical conclusion..........accept my perception as a reality.

He looks like an average fuck-boy.

My children are not parasites. Bitch.