The Reformed Swan

If the water is like sludge, can anyone really say they are competing in water? Don’t they have %’s of whatever and whatever and technical requirements? That would mean this isn’t really “water,” therefore, not the correct substance for the sport.

As an English major you would know that this is another film that the main character is white and the helpful friend is black, the helpmate. It’s a crumb at best. Offred should’ve been black.

Electronic health records make bad handwriting a thing of the past.

Hiddleston wasn’t even in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.

It’s Prince.

Don’t worry, when more and more males start calling themselves females due to their delusions, the list of “females” on violent crime lists will increase.

All of that sounds horrible. I’m so sorry for those children.


Aren’t there some white American tourists we can blame?

They are male.


Do you feel better now?

White men do everything better than white women. They should get a pass on their racism while white women should be shamed into hiding.

Except Bruce is not a woman, is he?

She decided it was the best way to bring attention on herself, by being on the tip of the trend of weirdos.

Your child is more than likely gay. You are doing a disservice to your child by using him as a prop to get back pats. CPS should take your child away immediately.

What’s logical is men making their restrooms safe. Why is it the job of woman to make everyone welcome?

It is always the women who must make way.

I wish the super-duper small unique aspect of my personal existence was put forth upon the world and given a platform to convince everyone that my needs are the most important cause of all the causes in the whole big ugly world.

Your take on this is that men should be acknowledged for making extra-slow progress?