The Reformed Swan

rich people.

bragging about being rich. never heard that before.

If half of you people here complaining attempted to connect with other people instead of digging your heels in determine to expect others to be exactly how you want them to be you may not feel like you do. TLDR: Accept people as they are and make friends!

o-m-g thanks for saying it. talk about manufactured rage. also it’s a nice and easy way to practice racism against a black man. pretend like its the shirt when it is really the man that she finds annoying.

Dan Patrick looks like Jeb Bush. Maybe some hanky-panky has been going on.

People cheering this behavior are not thinking clearly. Everyone deserves due process. It’s fun until it happens to you.

As a citizen he deserve due process. I don’t support his eviction.

Yes, you are a classist.

Yes, it is exactly the same thing. Women murder men at the same rate that men murder women. Women stalk men at the same rate that men stalk women. Yes, exactly the same thing, we must all go and panic. Or better yet, we should all go and do what is done about men who stalk women, at the same rate that women stalk men.

I would surmise that he made quite an impression on their first date.

That has been a default practice in college for years. I was on one such debate in Freshman History in 1992. The only black student in the class was placed on the pro-slavery side. She never said a word and the German born professor didn’t seem to notice a thing.

Kylie Jenner looks like she needs a bath.

TLDR. Porn is bad for women regardless of how you spin it. Males paying for sex teaches males like those of the INCEL ilk that men are entitled to sex from women.

Ozark, the redneck riviera.

It will do nothing but show what you truly think of fat people.

Patricia Arquette is being entirely too reasonable. That ship has sailed long ago.


I completely agree. My husband abandoned us after 20 years. My daughter who is a senior in high school is left with processing that she may very well never see her father again. She tells me that although he did nothing but watch television it is still hard. The divorce courts don’t seem to think it is anything

When mothers are corrected CPS is involved and mothers are demonized.

Broad is just as bad.