The Reformed Swan

And how has it worked out for J.Lo? Funny, it sounds like she is selling a brand or a rationalization for having a type, yet she hasn't been successful. No shade.

I saw that episode, it was just the other night. That guy's demeanor is smug as hell.


Yeah, I don't see nothing so great about a 42 year old woman and a 19 year old boy-man. I wouldn't think it was great to see it the other way around either. Although when I was 21 I did date a 42 year. He ran circles around me. But the presents from all of his money were fab.

Iggy Azalea has become Jezebel's white woman whipping boy. Mean girls 101. All those nasty men out there in the world get a big fat pass on their misogyny. This girl though, makes all the girls on Jezebel feel like social justice warriors. Bitter before 40 hag writers.


It's articles like this one that make my first thought, "Who the fuck is this author thinks she/he is the authority of" and "Why do they insist on speaking for the 'we' instead of the 'I?'"

Assuming he is taller than his wife, why didn't he switch seats with her?

You will catch shit from a bunch of insecure people, here. They want so bad to be bad.

Very good. You should pat yourself on the back. One thing, the HR most certainly does not sound like a gentleman. What a jerk. No, what a coward. A cowardly jerk. You win for getting away from him.

Nice way to deflect from the fact that a woman was murdered for a crime she most likely did not commit. Good job. Most of the people in the U.S. put to death are male. Granted, they are probably black males, and within the U.S. you have an argument there. However, there is more of a sexism angle here, isn't it.

The author of the piece ignored that tidbit. Who goes into someone else's email and think it is okay?

So nothing about the probability that these sons could very well be little pricks, little assholes. Like, the father being an abusive prick to the mother. Then the sons always expecting the mother to kiss their asses? No? Nothing? Why in the hell did they violate her privacy and read her email? That's okay,

Doxxing is rabid behavior. They will have to suffer by living with themselves and living with people knowing that they are rapists.

Until those two boys kill themselves, the scale is not balanced.

And I don't care what anyone says, I think a lot of churches want you to come begging to them for their power tripping pay off. In my limited unprofessional opinion. However, I have tried to help several women in my life and each time when she is referred to a church, which is a way to dismiss said needy woman,

A demand for marriage is a demand to stay in poverty. I'm assuming a day care working does not make enough not be considered poor. Once she gets married, the husband's income (if there is any) will be used against her for social services, —-even if his income isn't that much. Combined it may put them right at the


Normalizing incest. The more people publish and re-publish this stuff the more perverts thrive.

The world is a stage.