The Reformed Swan

It should be sales, however, so many consumers have become accustomed to getting nothing for their money that sales are not hurt. The sarcasm in this particular case in this thread is based on a lie. No where does it say the woman expected an orgasm. She expected her feet to be comforted per the claims of the

Did you read the article? It sounds like her lawyer made it sexual. She has tired feet and expected relief.

If consumers did not sue, companies would have no incentive to improve their product. Although I try to judge each case on its own merit, I do know I hate people's immediate reaction in many cases that consumers should accept whatever they get and like it. Money is hard earned for many people and there should be a

The Grand Budapest Hotel is too please with itself. I couldn't get through it because of how smug each scene unfolded.

That kitten still has his junk in the trunk.

Typically it is only being honest when it's being ugly. When a person needs frank talk about something then it is not the honest person's business. It's selective honesty. Only honesty that is spiteful and mean. Not honesty that will help someone. How does it help to tell someone they are ugly. Yet, no one is to

The jury will be required to take the smell test.


Helping them make sock puppets.

Vegetables. Throw in some root vegetables.

Is 1989 correct? How could Taylor Swift possibly have been that old in 1989?

That happens at my grandson's school every morning. Because traffic from both directions want to turn into the school parking lot, people on the right turning into the school that is on the right will not allow people opposite of them to turn into the parking lot. It should be one car from the left, one car from the

Because you are imagining that she stinks.

It rained all night Friday and all day Saturday, you can live a little this week.

I get angry if I don't shower every day. When I find myself angry, I start thinking of reasons why I am feeling agitated and realize I haven't showered since the early hours of the day before. When I exercise I shower more. Actually showering before exercise seems to motivate me, then of course I must shower after.

I wish I would/could follow the Paleo. I had a horrible B-12 and Vitamin D deficiency. I had strayed so far away from meat and dairy, I didn't realize how far away and to what extent. No more numbing and tingling in the hands and feet. All the signs I thought was leading to a stroke and/or heart attack was B-12

Seriously, I'm not a foodie or a health nut but I decided to listen to my doctor for once. I've always refused to go along with trends but I thought, you know what, maybe I should listen for once. Since I have been removing bread, my stomach feels so much better and I don't have those little pains throughout my body

I feel so much better since I limit my bread products.

Snopp Dogg is so gross. Kim K is gross too. Where was Laurie driving? If L.A., welcome to asshole driving, ———people who don't understand the 3 second rule. The L.A. rule is, don't look back before changing lanes, don't care about cutting anyone off, and whatever you do, and this rule must never be broken, don't