The Reformed Swan

If that was said, that was dumb shit.

This video is so present. No one will remember it in 20 years. The whole thing come off like a defense. "I didn't fuck her. Everybody go home, she is not a slut........although I would fuck her...she is sexy as hell (whore), but we didn't fuck her (madonna)." /Cringe.

That's misogyny. Way to go asshole.

How raunchy.

Burn Christmas because some sex offender won the lottery? That money will be history this time next year.

How about relating to women as humans. They get hurt, they hurt. It's not my sister gets hurt so I know she is hurt.

I hate the word pussy for vagina. I hate it so much that I went out of my way to teach my children that pussy was a cat, and we used it freely when we meant cat. When my daughter was in 7th grade she came home from school and told me how confused she was that some boys in class was talking nasty (yes, the little

I have a Facebook friend who is a member of my ex's family, an older member as in she "came out" in the 50s. Bless her little heart but she pulls out those Jack and Jill photos of her dance and all of her gatherings all-the-time. TBT is every day. I guess it was a really special time for her.

I don't. Self-hatred has never accomplished anything positive. It's hate that has got us here.

57% overall believing the Garner decision was bad is not anything to scoff about. That is 20% higher overall than the Brown case.

It's the profit margin that keeps businesses from doing the right thing. Why make 10-30% profit when you can make 95% profit. I don't agree with that sentiment because I believe if you make a profit be it 10% you are successful. Greed trumps human life. People who wouldn't call themselves greedy are actually quite

I've sent you several emails about the scarf with no reply. Can you check your spam folder please.

It's like there is no end. 10,000 and counting....divide that per hour per day per week per year...

12 years.

He is a goner. First, he is enlisted and the women are officers (if the article is correct). At the very least he will lose rank and pay and go on restriction. Life will be so miserable for him he will choose to not re-enlist when his time comes up. Or, they will make him uneligible for re-enlistment. All the

Blah blah, you threw the first conclusion.

People like you need the division because you don't have the creativity to discuss anything else. What would you do if the country united? It is in your best interest to keep people at each other's throats with arrogant snark. You are safe, there will be no unity anytime soon. The right's racism and stubbornness

Keep the misguided snark up, that will unite the country.

Are you high? White people are not oppressed. A+ for jumping to that conclusion though.