The Reformed Swan

I know. This case has "needs a good immigration attorney" all over it. Actually, I think a not so great immigration attorney could win this one.

Someone has a crappy attorney. My ex-husband (Central American and educated) and I went to immigration once, and one time after we were divorced and he was re-married to someone from Central America, he asked me for a letter explaining why we got divorced. That was it. Nothing else. He has been living and working

To admit would be to lay bare a need for action. Therefore, if no action to change is desired, then one cannot admit. Bastards.

I believe people would appreciate the attempt. To snark at it is a round about way to make fun of people the ad would appeal to. Your snark is more damaging than that ad.

Misogyny for 800.

I know one thing; most southerns can smell condescension a mile away. Many actively look for liberal condescension. Whoever made this ad may have gotten a pass for trying, but you and your bully-commenters would do nothing but offend those same people when they realize that you are calling them a fool for initially

Dude, I was born in Memphis and raised in Texas, I do know people this will appeal to. So sorry that there are people that live by their superficial emotions. I don't agree with it, but I will be damned before I look down on them. Demand that they get with the program because you know what should appeal to them.

It's only zero-sum if that is the way you see it. I really don't know what you are talking about. However, if Democrats and liberals want a Democrat and a liberal in office then someone has to make a move. Because Republicans will not make the first move and they haven't had to because their corny shit has gotten

You may find it insulting, but if such pandering works your sensibilities is not what should be considered. Let those people "educate" themselves to your standards after a Democrat gets into the white house, or you know, when they decide their sensibilities need an upgrade to meet your standards.

They are pandering to an essence of America that the Democrats have failed to connect with. What's the problem with that if it puts another Democrat in the white house? People say they want to work together and "unite." But hipsters do not want to acknowledge that the fly over states do have actual living people

Why all the snark and hate? It's a shade in the wine family. The name seems fine. The color is a throwback though. Next we will be talked into incorporating dusty roses and old goose blue right before the revolutionary Hunter Green makes a comeback.

Exactly. Since I've learned that I am the Enemy I dine at home far more than I used to. I cannot give my money to people who already hate/judge me before I sit down. In the last few years, if I've ate out twice in one year it would surprise me that the number is so large.

Trying to make it look like ocean white cap.

Right. Like any of you armchair critics could do better. Timothy Burke you are behaving like a fucking bully-jerk.

Because a torched tree will show them good.

Getting angry about what NBC is covering is easier than you know, living a life that supports equality for all.

So what? Why should everyone be on the same page at all times? This is lazy. You want to talk about the protest, then go get a story about the protest.

Maybe New York will burn down and they will finally realize that they are not in fact separate and above the rest of the country. /NewYorkersCanBeSuchSmugJerks

a shower in New Orleans. It was New Orleans, right? The city where none of the sexual assaults were investigated, not even the toddler with a STD.

New Orleans. The rape kit that goes no where.