The Reformed Swan

There is nothing wrong with removing the word Christmas and calling it Winter Break. Every religion cannot be observed so no religion should be observed. Secular schools, secular holidays.

Simple solution. Scratch all days off associated with religion. Make some breaks through out the year and call them Winter Break, Spring Break, etc. Schools should be secular. If you need a religious holiday, you are excused but the missed work must be made up. Secular students/education should not have to suffer

When was the last time a pudding pop and Jello with Cosby was on the air? My daughter is 15 and I don't think she has ever seen one.

These views from Nash are so disappointing.

It's all over now. What else is there to see? Will her endoscopies and x-rays be next?

At least, she has nothing more to show. Mystery over. We can all go home now.

But why was it limited to women?

the hood?

And there is an Alabama comment as well. Complete assholes with the stereotypes.

A West Virginia crack? It never gets old does it? Asshole.

One thing I've learned from white middle class Americans on the internet, they love to build up to bring down. They love love love the bring down part the most. Nice. Cool. I like. It's like they live for that shit. No one told anyone to build this stupid family up. No one! The red flags were everywhere. However,

Don't you just love how he called her Miss Daisy? lol.

Is your jam on etsy? I bought myself some peach jam from Amazon Prime two years ago for $18, held on to it be used as a gift from Santa and when I finally go to eat it (with some tea of course) it was just okay. I love a good jam. Btw, I crochet scarves. lol.

Because I wanted to.

It's as if this generation just discovered that they have an asshole.

I do like her. She seems to work better than the guy before who went off to be on the weather channel. I don't remember his name but he seemed like he didn't have a sense of humor.

I watch Good Morning America. What a fugly dress the weather-woman had on today. I tried to like it, but just couldn't. Also, her heels are too high (especially today, she looked like she was standing on her tip toes). (I had to throw in that last bit for good measure).

That's hilarious.

Here comes the arguments that men are called bitches. Not. Even when men are called bitches it is an insult to women. I hate that stupid word, bitch.

I'm older and know the life of not sugar-coating. What I once believed was a virtue, is a cop-out. Part of being civilized is to live the truth, speak your truth, and to be kind. Sometimes truth needs kindness, not sugar-coated, but gently told. Another way. It is not just one way or another. We must learn how to